Back at it and DETERMINED

With the help of this site/app, I lost 45 pounds three years ago. I was amazed at the support and encouragement I received.

Unfortunately, life happened and I've found those pounds that I swore were gone forever.

So, I'm back at and determined to take control again. Time to get healthy and feel better.

I would love to build a support circle like I had before. I promise to be on every day and log everything, as painful as that may be.

If you'd like to be my MFP pal, let me know or send me a request. I look forward to getting to know you!


  • sexybug6
    sexybug6 Posts: 156 Member
    Feel free to add me like you am on everyday and I'm going to lose the 2.5 stone I want to lose
    Great to have friends and support