Thoughts on daily weigh in



  • ITUSGirl51
    ITUSGirl51 Posts: 192 Member
    I weigh weekly on Wednesday morning at my gym at work. I can’t own a scale. I am clothed with no shoes or heavy clothes and I don’t drink or eat before I weigh. Weighing makes me extremely unhappy and stressed even when I lose weight.

    When I’ve lost weight in the past I would weigh every morning. I would be so anxious to weigh that I would toss and turn an hour or more before it was time to get up just to see if I lost weight. Then when I started gaining again I would stop weighing completely to stop the anxiety. Then there would be a 50 lb weight gain and time to start losing again.

    Once a week works for me. It’s one day of anxiety instead of every day. If I feel heavy that day from water weight I will weigh the next morning to make sure and it’s typically lower.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Its a personal thing, I weigh daily even at maintenance - I like having stats/data to compare and it helps me understand my fluctuations so they feel perfectly normal/expected. Knowledge is power is my mantra :smile:
  • jsminer827
    jsminer827 Posts: 62 Member
    I weigh daily because I'm a data geek and like to see how I retain water after working out and/or what my diet does to the scale. It is remarkably consistent if I'm eating clean. With the holidays the numbers got a little wonky because of the change in diet, but either way I think if you're able to consume the data and not get discouraged, it can be interesting and informative. That said, it isn't for everyone.

    For me, I don't respond to the fluctuation unless I see a trend month-over that's headed in the wrong direction. I haven't seen one yet... I'm also pretty good about logging, so unless I was a total slug that consumed an extra 7,000 calories, I know it's water weight and not actual weight when I look at day to day variances. I'm sure I could tease out the impact of my cycle as well, but I haven't been that interested... it's mostly noise.

    Eventually, if you're watching your diet and you're exercising, the scale will take care of itself. In the interim, if it's a motivator - use it. If not, don't!
  • JillianRumrill
    JillianRumrill Posts: 335 Member
    I get too nervous/obsessive so for me, daily weigh-ins would cause big problems. Ideally, I would like to weigh in around once a month- at the beginning, to see where I'm at and where I need to go. However, I can't resist weighing and measuring my waistline randomly- especially when I "feel skinny". So far, so good, Yeah, once in awhile I do see an up-tick so I make sure I'm tracking all of my calories and eating better, but like I said, if I did it on the daily, I would probably stop eating totally!
  • lks802
    lks802 Posts: 65 Member
    It really depends on you. I don’t think there’s a right/wrong. If a slight increase will cause you to be over restrictive or put you in an unhealthy relationship with food, don’t do it. But if the daily weigh in serves as the ritual to remind you to be mindful of your food and exercise, go for it. Your weight is only one data point in your measure of health.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Started weighing daily back in July and have found more success doing so in tandem with my TDEE spreadsheet than with other methods. Getting used to the daily fluctuations and seeing some of the big sodium spikes has been an educational and enjoyable experience. Went out of town for the holidays and felt a little lost without having a scale, tbh. I'm also a data geek and enjoy the daily/weekly data reduction updating my sheets.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I weigh myself, naked and unafraid, every morning right after i visit the bathroom.
  • Ryansworld84
    Ryansworld84 Posts: 83 Member
    Depends on how it affects your motivation etc. If you get on the scale and see a number you don't want to see (lets say +2 lbs) and that discourages you and causes you harm (mentally) then I would say no. If it doesn't cause you any stress or harm from seeing a bad number then sure do it.

    Daily fluctuations of weight are varied due to a lot of things so it shouldn't get you off course. Looking at the longer trend over a longer period of time is more significant.

    Even then if you re-comp your body you could weigh the same but look better. Its a complicated question to ask really if you get down to it. But do what works best for you!
  • ZRunner5Lulaica
    ZRunner5Lulaica Posts: 168 Member
    I weigh daily because I'm a data junkie and just want to see the success (or damages if I was having a rough day with eating), but I only long once a week. It also helps me build the habit of doing it and accepting where I am, even if it's not where I want to be.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Because my scale sits right in front of my microwave, I weigh several times a day, don't write it down, really don't look anymore, but it's amazing how much your weight fluctuates in a day. Usual things you imagine, eat a meal, gain a pound; go to the bathroom, lose a pound. But also, take a nap, weigh immediately, don't eat, drink, use the bathroom, just walk around a little, gain a pound. Weight at this exact moment doesn't mean much at all. I definitely use a weight averager and don't sweat the small stuff.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I weigh in daily but only log my weigh once a week on Fridays. I use the Libra app to track daily I gives me a picture of the trends and fluctuations. when you weigh daily you have to have thick skin as the fluctuations can be maddening at times and unless you can take it as a personal challenge and uses a gain as motivation to better, it will make you crazy and lead to self sabotage. Everyone is different in that aspect. I rely heavily on my body measurements and transformation pics more than I do on the number of the scale. From New Years eve morning to New Years day early evening, I gained 6.8lbs OVERNIGHT... today I am down that 6.8lbs plus an additional 1.2lbs. Find what works for you and go with it... Good luck!
  • goddessecouture
    goddessecouture Posts: 17 Member
    I find I get a much more accurate idea of where I am and where I'm trending with daily weigh ins at the same time (morning pre-food or drink, post-potty). I expect fluctuations within a small range, so they don't bother me, and it keeps me on track a lot better when I'm conscious of it every day.
  • Ryansworld84
    Ryansworld84 Posts: 83 Member
    Any of you have a wifi scare that automatically logs for you? The data nerd in me would want to weigh every day for the info :P
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    Any of you have a wifi scare that automatically logs for you? The data nerd in me would want to weigh every day for the info :P

    unless it exported to excel so I could tinker with it, that wouldn't do me any good. Using google sheets is seamless enough for me; have my spreadsheet loaded up, put my weight in as soon as I weigh and do the rest of the number crunching on a computer. I track my daily calories that way for the same reason, the MFP exporting tools don't do much for me.
  • Ryansworld84
    Ryansworld84 Posts: 83 Member
    Maybe I should make a website for the data junkie such as yourself!
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Any of you have a wifi scare that automatically logs for you? The data nerd in me would want to weigh every day for the info :P

    Withings scale I found in a clearance bin (still wasn't cheap). I step on it almost daily (have missed the odd day).

    Pee, step on it, wait for the BF% to show and go let the dogs out. Shows up in Trendweight, Garming Connect, MFP but for some reason isn't showing up in Libra for a couple of weeks now, so I look at it in

    Just tried and I can cut and paste from the trendweight site back at least a year, so if I want it in Excel there is no issue.
  • Ryansworld84
    Ryansworld84 Posts: 83 Member
    edited January 2018
    You can capture any data you want with their API:

    Provided you some some programming you can customized your own data feed and have it exported to whatever you want or just save it on a webserver as a spreadsheet.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I do weigh each morning to track urine output mainly plus it is the way I count net CICO so as to be able to successfully skip calorie counting at my age. :) I typically eat around 50 grams of carbs daily but I just compute that too my weighing myself daily. Making sure I stay hydrated is one of the keys of my pain management success.