"Failing" at c25k, but not at running...



  • DanerTee
    DanerTee Posts: 263 Member
    I am in week 4 of C210K and I do understand what a few people have said about the walking rests and feeling like you are going to die. There have been several times that I have struggled with the first couple minutes, and then found my stride and then bang, have to walk again and do it all over. I don't think this program is the best for that, however, if you are like me and tend to get all jacked up about a new activity, get out there and go like a madwoman and then can't walk for three days then it is a great way to force yourself to take it slow and gradually increase mileage and not get hurt, so I am still team C210K. :)
  • VolsG8rH8r
    VolsG8rH8r Posts: 47 Member
    edited January 2018
    I was a runner and then took some time off and did C25k for a week but didn't like structure of it decided to run whatever I wanted and enjoyed running much more.
  • Josh_lol
    Josh_lol Posts: 317 Member
    I never did C25K so I'm not sure what it consists of. I just kinda worked my way up to it with my own sort of training. Adding distance / speed after I felt like I'd gained the stamina to do so.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thirty years ago I took up running and did whatever felt good. I regularly ran 5K races at pretty respectable times. Although in pretty good shape this summer, at age 57 I started running again but used the Couch to 5K program. It was very helpful in that I was able to increase my stamina and speed without getting some kind of old lady beginning runner injury. I wouldn’t need that approach when younger, but was glad to find it this time around.