Dog groomer in need of support

Hey everyone, I am a 33 year old dog groomer who is wayyyyyyy overweight. I have tried and tried in the past to lose weight, but I always give up or lose motivation. I have high blood pressure, diabetes in my family(not me yet thankfully) and my dad just had a stroke. I am going to try a more relaxed approach this time and see how it works. I work 8-10 hours a day so when I get home all I wanna do is relax( problem #1) and on my days off all I wanna do is sleep cause I am so tired (problem #2). Anyone who wants to help give me advice or suggestions please leave a message, happy new year !


  • Kimmeevs
    Kimmeevs Posts: 3 Member
    You have got this!!! You CAN do it!! ❤
  • rhiannsu
    rhiannsu Posts: 15 Member
    I think maybe you'll have some success if you try not to tackle everything at once. When you think about changing dietary habits and throwing yourself into an exercise regiment all at once, it can be overwhelming! For me, I decided to work on the diet first, making healthier choices and concentrating on portion control. For exercise, all I did was take walks at lunch a few times a week to get some extra steps in. I've lost about 14% of my body weight since June just concentrating on that. Now I'm in the mindset where I feel like I can take on more exercise without it overwhelming me. You've got this! Just take it a little bit at a time!
  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    You can do it. We are here for support.
  • amandabenge0616
    amandabenge0616 Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you, I linked my iPhone up to this app so we will see tonight after I get off work how many steps I actually take in a day, then go from there.
  • BanannieFabian
    BanannieFabian Posts: 4 Member
    From one groomer to another, you can do it!
  • BanannieFabian
    BanannieFabian Posts: 4 Member
    Try to decrease stress. Do what you can to make your day go as smoothly as possible. For me that meant better time management and fewer dogs. Due to physical limitations, I can't do the same amount of dogs I did in my twenties. Make yourself a priority. As groomers we tend to put our clients ahead of ourselves to the detriment of our own health. Make sure you actually eat, and the healthier the better. I remember days of surviving on coffee and barely any food till my huge dinner... Not good. Our jobs our physical, but some cardio and resistance training will do you good. It helps to have a friend or family member to walk with or go to gym. I have a hard time getting to the gym, so I made a small home corner gym. You'd be surprised what you can accomplish with a mat, resistance bands and a couple sets of dumbbells to start out. I've even used new shampoo gallons at work for quick squats, presses or as a kettle bell. Lol You'll get there in time. Good luck and enjoy the journey!