Maintenance advice please - cals for 5ft5” female

Hi everyone - haven’t used this app for a while so I know everyone differs but just interested in roughly seeing how everyone else manages to stick within maintenance cals and what they are etc. I lost just over a stone over a year ago but my weight has crept back a little as I struggle with maintaining - I think most online calculators willest I need around 1500-1650 for my height at 5ft5” but this seems very low to be able to function on? I don’t work out at a gym but I’m a mum of two young children and do walk school/pre school daily and around shops/ house work etc but I get so drained then eat more then gain. Any tips would be great x


  • maybe1pe
    maybe1pe Posts: 529 Member
    Right now I'm also struggling to find maintenance and will maintain for a few weeks and then steadily drop more weight.

    I'm 27 years old 5'5" and weigh 170 right now. I'm not currently working out and have my MFP set to sedentary and it gives me 1890 calories a day. Eating that everyday has me losing a pound a week on average. I recently have changed it to 2300 calories a day and am slowly increasing my calories to get to that.

    Are you set to sedentary? If so are you actually sedentary? I ask because having two kids and walking if you're doing it daily and not as intentional exercise should be part of your selected activity level.

    Are you accurately tracking your calories? Could you be underestimating your intake and actually be eating more than you think? Do you use a food scale?

    I might not be the best to give advice because like I said I'm still trying to figure my maintenance out as well but if you're gaining weight then you're eating over your maintenance calories so IF IT WAS ME I would like at tightening up my logging food wise to make sure that it's correct.
  • Iwantahealthierme30
    Iwantahealthierme30 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm on 1660 calories and I'm 5'5" but 219lbs. I have a deficit of about 700 calories a day. Your deficit can be calculated if you know your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) about 500 under that would be one pound a week of loss.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,056 Member
    edited January 2018
    I would enter my Activity Level as Active on Myfitnesspal. With kids, that's not unrealistic.

    Then log your food here. If you do intentional exercise on top of your daily routine, add it as Exercise and eat those additional calories.

    Do that for two months with whatever the MFP recommendation is. Then adjust as needed.

    I eat way more than what online calculators say I should and have been maintaining for many years. Several hundred calories more.

    The only way you'll know is by running the experiment. None of us can guess any better than an online calculator and you need good data over a couple months to make that determination.

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,056 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm on 1660 calories and I'm 5'5" but 219lbs. I have a deficit of about 700 calories a day. Your deficit can be calculated if you know your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) about 500 under that would be one pound a week of loss.

    She's in Maintenance (in the Maintenance forum.) Your higher weight and the fact you are trying to lose changes your calorie goal. Your advice doesn't apply.

    Same with the post by @maybe1pe - If you are overweight your maintenance numbers will NOT be the same as at goal weight, and you're still losing at 170 and 5'5"- right? That's a 28.5 BMI.

    My post above assumes she is at Maintenance weight...since she posted about maintaining in the Maintaining Forum.
  • Iwantahealthierme30
    Iwantahealthierme30 Posts: 293 Member
    Oh, I didn't realize this was the maintanence forum. She still needs to know her TDEE though.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    It's a fairly average height so I'd start with the average maintenance calories for women, which I believe is 2000 and adjust as necessary.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I am also 5'5" and I had lost about 35 pounds a few years ago and had set my maintenance calories based on MFP recommendations (roughly 1800 calories) and continued to lose weight so I upped my calorie intake to 2200-2500 and seemed to be able to maintain at that level. It was a guessing game so I upped it by 200 calories after a couple weeks if I continued to lose.
    Right now I'm working on losing about 10 pounds as life got in the way and I was slacking on the exercise and not logging so some pounds have come back. I currently have my tracker set to lose half a pound a week and it has me at 1560 calories so I'm guessing that if it has you as roughly that to maintain you need to increase depending on age and activity level.
  • Iwantahealthierme30
    Iwantahealthierme30 Posts: 293 Member
    Oh, I didn't realize this was the maintanence forum. She still needs to know her TDEE though.

    The thing is, people throw out numbers all the time...This is how much I eat...unless you are at the same point as someone else, with the same amount of daily activity - it's meaningless.

    It's meaningless anyway. Like I said, all the online calculator do is give a VERY general start point. "Knowing" your TDEE takes many months of accurate tracking, and that is the only way to find it.

    So yeah, she needs to find her own TDEE. Not take anyone elses' recommendations. By throwing out your 1660 calorie goal when you weigh 219 - it just muddies the waters.

    I was just giving her an example of what works for me, nowhere did I say she needs to follow that. I said she needs to find her TDEE and she did say she gained some weight, I was assuming along with maintenance she might want to lose those first, Read properly before commenting.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,056 Member

    I would guess she's at a healthy weight, or she wouldn't be given a 1500-1650 calorie goal to Maintain. I'll bet your calories to maintain are around 2400 for your weight (if you use an online calculator.)

    Read properly before commenting.

    Touche'. I would be at a healthy weight if it wasn't for meds I take, and she did not state her weight.

    Do you have anything better to do than shame strangers on the internet?!? Please go do whatever that is.

    What do meds have to do with any of this?

  • amandaeve
    amandaeve Posts: 723 Member
    I'm 5' 5.5". I maintained at 2600 until my late-thirties. Now I maintain at about 2000. I am still trying to figure that out. Daily activity levels and age matter.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,056 Member

    I would guess she's at a healthy weight, or she wouldn't be given a 1500-1650 calorie goal to Maintain. I'll bet your calories to maintain are around 2400 for your weight (if you use an online calculator.)

    Read properly before commenting.

    Touche'. I would be at a healthy weight if it wasn't for meds I take, and she did not state her weight.

    Do you have anything better to do than shame strangers on the internet?!? Please go do whatever that is.

    What do meds have to do with any of this?

    You said I wasn't at a healthy weight and I told you why, it has nothing to do with this but neither does your shaming. Go away please.

    I'm just trying to get the facts straight. If you feel shamed, that is not my intention.

    If you are going to post your stats I don't see how "shaming" it is to be quoted. There is no shame in being 219 pounds. I started at 215. My calorie goal at 215 and my calorie goal at 140 are not the same. It's just a fact. It's just that the numbers are not the same, I don't think you understand that. Yet.

    If you feel shame, that is entirely on you. I cannot make you feel any way whatsoever. Examine where that is coming from, but it's not coming from me.