Apple Watch series 3 question

I am going to workout at home mostly with Biggest Loser workout videos. On my watch, what workout would that be?


  • Mike1804
    Mike1804 Posts: 113 Member
    Personally, I would use "Other" or "High Intensity Interval Training"
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    "Other" and don't name it HIIT or MFP won't pick it up, just leave it plain "other." All the labels are are labels, they don't change how the AW counts anything, but if the label you choose doesn't feature in MFP's database (like HIIT) it won't pass through and you'll have to add it manually to see your true total cals.
  • ashlee_tx
    ashlee_tx Posts: 24 Member
    Thank y'all. :)