Where do I go from here?

Warning: Stream-of-consciousness post.

Background: 5'11". Scrawny most of my life, and then skinny-fat (177) until decided to do something about it in 7/2011 (coincidentally when I turned 40). Dieted down to 153ish and was back to just being scrawny. Then a few years of winter bulking and summer cutting and attained slightly less scrawny 170ish 9-10% BF a couple of summers ago. Since then, more winter bulking/summer cutting and I'm...well, no real progress and am around 174ish 11-12%ish BF.

My latest cut for the Christmas cruise was a real deviation from my usual carefully-calculated daily calorie target and instead was more ambitious with the deficit during the week with more relaxed eating on the weekends. Went entirely against my personality, but worked well socially and got it dialed in and it was just as successful as my usual approach.

Blah blah blah I don't really have a plan from here. Have considered just staying around my current relatively leanish state most of the year with a few strategic shortish cuts for summer/cruise...but I really don't do well without a defined plan.

Any suggestions on what I should consider next?

(I might try to add some pics to this thread later.)


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    What has your training and nutrition been like? If you're not making progress during a bulk you're missing something. Where to go from here depends on you. Maintaining while sticking to progressive lifting can yield gains over time.