Looking to Lose 80-100 pounds, would love friends!

MFP works.... I've used it before and lost 45 pounds (well, until life happened and I found them again). The key is developing a support circle.

I'm looking to lose a minimum of 80 pounds, preferably 100.

Feel free to send me a friend request if you want someone to cheer you on! <3


  • luvaduck2007
    luvaduck2007 Posts: 6 Member
    I have used MFP before as well and it worked for me. Unfortunately life decided to throw me a few large bumps and I stopped caring. Now I am back and I want to feel better about myself when I look in the mirror. I would love to chat and be one of your cheerers.
  • gmamary66
    gmamary66 Posts: 11 Member
    I am back on the wagon....I have also used MFP before and was very happy with it. Health issues complicated things and my weight is way out of control. Working toward losing 100 pounds for good. Would gladly help cheer you on.
  • mjm2011
    mjm2011 Posts: 13 Member
    gmamary66 wrote: »
    I am back on the wagon....I have also used MFP before and was very happy with it. Health issues complicated things and my weight is way out of control. Working toward losing 100 pounds for good. Would gladly help cheer you on.

    I’m looking at 80 lbs! Ah! Let’s motivate one another!
  • _lora
    _lora Posts: 117 Member
    Feel free to add me, Always up for motivating and motivation from others
  • Golfer_Jim
    Golfer_Jim Posts: 40 Member
    Used before as well and back at it now for few months. Use your friends to keep going as easy to just let it go as I found. I am motivated to go to gym 5 days a week and throw a golf game in also (not just now as Baltic in UK). Feel free to add.
  • emanuelac94
    emanuelac94 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm looking to lose 100 pounds. I have started yesterday. I'm looking for friend to motivate myself. Add me if you want :)
  • kiki2277
    kiki2277 Posts: 9 Member
    Need to lose 80lbs myself! Let’s b friends!
  • Ettieas
    Ettieas Posts: 11 Member
    Same boat here; I have around 90lb to lose!
  • happycauseIride
    happycauseIride Posts: 536 Member
    Me too. I lost 80 lbs with MFP then life got in the way and I gained 60 back. I'm here to start again and finish it for good this time. I want to lose 120 lbs total. Anyone can add me .
  • M1SS703
    M1SS703 Posts: 16 Member
    Need some help with motivation too! Please feel free to add me! :smile:
  • sarahbevis23
    sarahbevis23 Posts: 1 Member
    I have around 50 lbs to lose, but I would be happy with 40lb to start with! I'm fed up of my weight going up and down since i had my first baby. Just gave birth to my second and I am now determined to keep the weight off. Feel free to add me too, would love some friends on here. x
  • Breive
    Breive Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2018
    Not sure how to "Add Friends" but this is the group for me!
    I have used MFP for years - but only off and on - it works, WHEN you use it!

    As many of you have already said, I too am back on the wagon...with lots to lose!

    This was my 1st post ever! Maybe this is the extra support I needed. :smile:
  • PhotogirlTX
    PhotogirlTX Posts: 85 Member
    Sent you a friend request.. I really need friends! :-) Back at it again with 80 to 100 to lose.. but more importantly for me, to get my active life back and to enjoy myself! I live in Colorado and everyone around me is healthy and fit.. I need to fit in! :-)
  • caroline_mason42
    caroline_mason42 Posts: 83 Member
    65Lb here but would love to join :smile:
  • yesyesohgodyes
    yesyesohgodyes Posts: 28 Member
    I am looking to lose around that much depending on how I feel when I get to 200, will depend on if I go for my goal 189.
  • angel388
    angel388 Posts: 83 Member
    Over a 100 pounds to lose. Happy for anyone to add me. Been here before as well.
  • tensquaredlives
    tensquaredlives Posts: 47 Member
    Count me in as well! I am starting out with a goal of just losing 10% of my body weight (about 24 lbs). I would love some friends to share the journey, who know the struggle, and are committed to not stopping until their goal is met. I will be there with you all the way!

  • Ngaz01
    Ngaz01 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in need of 80-100 pounds (36-45 kilograms), 4 children too heavy haha so count me in :)