Hello MFP friends!

It seems every few months I fall off the wagon... go hard for 2-3 months, start seeing results, get comfortable with how I look, then start to slack and gain all my weight back.. literally every pound, I'm not kidding. I do this 2 or 3x year.

I'd LOVE for anyone to add me who tends to have the same problems so we can motivate each other! Or even if you're consistently doing great and never fall off, we need your motivation too!

Any good workout plans, yummy foods, or tricks to motivate yourself to go that extra mile please share!

Feel free to add me, let's lose this weight and KEEP IT OFF! :)


  • Bubbaistrying
    Bubbaistrying Posts: 454 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Seems like you're on to something :)

    Having a plan you can stick to, consistently, means that you can just do that, and not have to wait for motivation, or be afraid you'll be slacking off, because you already have a lifestyle you enjoy. A healthy body is just a nice side effect.

    There is no wagon - it's just life, and life is just a row of meals and days and funny and angry people and sad and happy events.

    I don't exercise, but I walk and dance sometimes - I eat a lot of different food, everything is yummy - to me - I'm not sure you will like all of it :D

    I've been at a normal healthy weight for three years now, after struggling with my weight for over twenty years. Maintenance takes discipline and awareness, but the stress and worry is gone.