Hi... Noob Here

Hello MyFitnessPal persons!

I am Matt, 23 and from United Kingdom.

I don't quite know what to put here... I struggle with words and conversation....
I received a Fitbit at Christmas, as I wanted something to encourage me to lose weight. I am 115KG which is very overweight. I am not happy with it. I don't quite know where it come from as I used to be very skinny.

Since 2012, I've ballooned, to this heaviest weight. I want it gone. Not just so I can be comfortable walking and not get out of breath quickly, but so I can be slimmer for me and my fiancées wedding in March 2019.

I am hoping to rid of half my body weight if I can. If that's not possible I want to get to at least 80KG by December 2018.

I shouldn't make excuses, but it will be difficult for several reasons;
  1. I am not that motivated, I should be but I can't get the motivation despite everything said and the hate of looking in the mirror
  2. I work ridiculous shift's that give me no specific days off. It's awful, but I've got to stick at it for one more year. This means it would be difficult joining things like Slimming World as I wouldn't be able to attend classes etc.
  3. My job is something which is seating based, can't stand up at "The Desk", and I can't be getting up every hour to do steps "250 Steps per hour goal" for example.
  4. Food is going to be the biggest challenge, I don't eat junk (really!) but my body rejects most things considered healthy. Trying to find something that I will like, can have without :s and will be healthy is a challenge!

I'm hoping I might be able to add 'Friends' on here, so that I could use it to compete against. That might help with motivation a bit.

Uh, yeah, for now that's all I can come up with. I hope that was okay :confused:
