looking for motivated friends

RidingPastor Posts: 10 Member
edited January 2018 in Health and Weight Loss
I am looking for some motivated friends who are interested in keeping each other accountable and keeping it real in the weight loss arena.

I was down to 170lbs at 5'9" in 2016. I even saw sometimes 168 & 169lbs during the summer. But for 2017 I could not really get below 174lbs I know I rode less in 2017 vs 2016 about 1000 miles less. I want to get back down near 170lbs

I really would like to see south of 170 if possible.

I am currently 184 and ready to get after it. Friends!?


  • Slasher09
    Slasher09 Posts: 316 Member
    you can add me 5'6 and about 164lbs, looking for 145ish. I'm not one to live on lettuce or live in the gym...but I log consistently and I'm active on here.
  • Otterlover81
    Otterlover81 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello! I too am 5'9" and was once upon a time 170ish and would like to see south of there also. Last year I suffered from depression and then got pregnant and am now the biggest I've ever been at 226lbs! Really am looking for motivation to get back down to a healthy size. Also, my baby was born 3.5 months early, and that cause a bit more stress and weight gain. Just my last years life story.
  • RidingPastor
    RidingPastor Posts: 10 Member
    @lindabell14473426 you can do it. hang in there. Friend me if you would like