Restarting following blip / 70+lbs to lose / anyone else in similar situation

tsd752015 Posts: 17 Member
Ok so after initially making brilliant progress at the start of last year using MFP & Fitbit (dropping 23lbs in 9 weeks) I’ve allowed ill health to dictate my life & as no one else in my family & close circle of friends are needing to lose weight or indeed want to lose weight I’m struggling with the correct support and accountability.
Is there anyone else out there with a similar amount of weight to shift feeling a little perplexed about the journey ahead wanting to buddy up & offer mutual support over the coming months?


  • Pepsab
    Pepsab Posts: 168 Member
    Ive already lost 20lbs and put back on 4lbs over the holiday break :( I do still have 50-60lbs left to lose. Feel free to add me id love more MFP friends :)
  • tsd752015
    tsd752015 Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you Pepsab more MFP friends is always good
  • CaVaChick
    CaVaChick Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in a similar position where I'm trying to lose 70 lbs in order to keep up with my two Toddlers. Please feel free to add me, if you'd like. :)
  • m_morgan8
    m_morgan8 Posts: 3 Member
    I have to lose 100 lbs.. that's my goal. I've always chosen a previous goal but I want to up it a bit ... new year.. new number.. I'm just not sure how to get there. I have done it all.. weight watchers, boot camp, extreme fitness, whole 30, eat clean, .. I am just not sure how to make it all sustainable. I can do it all for short periods of time... but now my life has changed to very sedentary at work... I chase 2 toddlers.. then I'm too tired to exercise. All the chores and laundry and cooking and cleaning..when to fit it all in? What WHAT to eat so I'm not cooking for myself and cooking for my family.. one stop shop for me... I also need someone on a similar journey.. :) positivity please
  • angelicabit
    angelicabit Posts: 1 Member
    I am in....I have been on a very long journey and I am in the "last mile" and it is proving to be the most difficult for me. I struggle with cravings so I would love to feel supported and also share together the wins and losses. Thanks
  • ashleyrfloyd844
    ashleyrfloyd844 Posts: 2 Member
    I am wanting to lose 100 pounds. I’ve been wanting to shed the weight for years but something always held me back. I’ve had two babies within he last year and I am heavier than I have ever been. Looking for support and accountability
  • anahi0224
    anahi0224 Posts: 3 Member
    I am trying to loose 50lbs. I have tried many of the diets out there most recently Keto and I have even enrolled in a weight loss program where I was prescribed Phentermine and a Seratonin supplement. I can honestly say that I stayed true to the plans yet I only lost about 5lbs. I exercise religiously and most recently got into Crossfit but still manage to incorporate a lot of the cardio basics such as running into my exercise. It is very discouraging to see that the scale is not moving towards the direction I want it to.

    I went through a period where I said “screw this” and stopped caring what I was eating but I am ready to give this another shot because I have a 2-year old that I want to be able to keep up with. My self esteem is in the drain and I have reached an all time low. I am ready for a change and hope this group will provide motivation or at least a place to vent that others can relate to.
  • nahkiwolf
    nahkiwolf Posts: 1 Member
    I am kind of in similar situations to many of you. I have about 75 lbs to lose. At my heaviest ever. I'm even heavier than I was when almost full term with my twins!! I exercised like crazy when they were toddlers and got and kept the weight off.

    It all changed when I hit 40. Several interstate moves, major lifestyle changes and BAM, I've gained 10-15 lbs per year! I have only 1 friend on MVP so I need some motivation and support!

    Would also love to encourage others!!
  • vikinggirl55
    vikinggirl55 Posts: 1 Member
    i need to lose 75 pounds. please add me. would love to give and receive support
  • patpat85
    patpat85 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi guys, have a similar journey to you, got to lose at least 4 stone to help keep up with my 2 year old son. I did slimming world before Christmas but hated the forced face to face social interaction and sabotaged myself for it. Got some great family recipes from it thou, just need a little willpower to keep logging. X