Overweight mom with toddler needs motivation



  • sokie88
    sokie88 Posts: 30 Member
    shampbj wrote: »
    I'm not going to tell you you have to have a gym membership to lose weight. It's simply not true. What is true is that you have make some changes if what you are currently doing isn't working. Maybe it's skipping the breadbasket at dinner, or ordering roasted veggies on the side instead of a carb. Or maybe it's ordering the full luxurious entree and dividing it in two. What works for one person may not be sustainable for somebody else. I learned that I want to keep my glass of wine, and I'm willing to skip the breadbasket to do it. Maybe try to get in a little more activity at the office too. I try to do a walking meeting during the day or, on rainy/bad weather days, take a lap through the hallways any time I'm taking a bathroom break. Little changes can add up--it's all about making the choices that make you happy while achieving your results.

    Thanks. I generally get a salad, so maybe it's the dressing. Again for me, regardless of eating out or in is portion control. At home, I've been weighing my food and if i'm still hungry i'll fill up on salad with just balsamic vinegar to keep within cals. Maybe I need a scale while out? Not a good option considering i'd probably forget it half the time, but something to consider. I think having my phone out to log the portion before i order/eat will help.
  • mamma_adventure
    mamma_adventure Posts: 235 Member
    Hi. I live in Scotland. I'm a working single mum with a 4 year old son and 3 year old twin girls. I find that sticking to 1200 caps a day, weighing my food I can lose without a lot of exercise. When I can I walk with the kids. On a Sunday, I am childfree and usually climb a hill or walk a long distance.
    I have a slow cooker, I work until 6pm, so everyone is hungry when we get in. It really is just being prepared.
    You can do this :)
  • sokie88
    sokie88 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi. I live in Scotland. I'm a working single mum with a 4 year old son and 3 year old twin girls. I find that sticking to 1200 caps a day, weighing my food I can lose without a lot of exercise. When I can I walk with the kids. On a Sunday, I am childfree and usually climb a hill or walk a long distance.
    I have a slow cooker, I work until 6pm, so everyone is hungry when we get in. It really is just being prepared.
    You can do this :)

    Truly amazing! I don't know how you do it with 3 young kids. I've only lost weight and kept it off if I exercise as well. 3 years ago, i was 10lbs heavier than I am now. I lost weight by going to the gym and eating well. Even after having a baby, i was still 20 lbs lighter than my heaviest. But since starting back at work, I've gained 10 lbs back from the 20 i lost. I sit all day at work and don't really leave my desk so really, when I don't get up all day, i only burn about 1400 calories a day so losing is hard since my calorie deficit is less than 200 calories a day - it would be like 1 lb a month! I can run in the spring/summer but it's -30C right now with the wind so that's just not doable at this moment. I've been making meals and leaving them in the fridge for us to just heat and serve at dinner. That has helped me stay within reasonable calories daily. Taking the time to be organized really is the only way to get on track. Thanks for the motivation!