Not enough protein?



  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    I sit down in the morning for about 5 minutes with a cup of coffee and plan out my day. I have to start by plugging in my proteins, then fit in everything else around them. I don't eat meat so I rely a lot on things like eggs, cottage cheese, greek yogurt and protein bars, with some supplemental protein coming in from beans/legumes/grains/cheese, etc.

    One thing to note: be sure to gut-check the entries in your diary. I didn't go back very far, but I saw at least one entry for Red Curry Chicken that was listed with 0g protein, so that's inaccurate. The good and bad thing about the MFP database is that it's user-edited, so not every entry is accurate.

    Thank you so much for your ideas. I will also check my diary entries better for accuracy. I really appreciate your feedback. X
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    You have to make protein the focus of your meal. Make sure you are getting a decent amount with each meal and snack. Then your leftover calories can be spent of fats and carbs. I usually won't eat something unless it has at least a 10:1 calorie to protein ratio.

    Thank you so much that is a great way to look at it.
  • Rickster1967
    Rickster1967 Posts: 485 Member
    80-90g protein will be fine for you
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    Chicken / Turkey breast
    Egg white
    0% Fat Greek Yoghurt

    All low fat, high quality protein sources

    Beef, lamb and pork products generally have more fat so it's hard to get a big enough portion without busting your calories. The lean sources will allow you to fill your protein requirement and hit calories

    Protein shakes suck the big one for me bleurrghhh no matter how 'great tasting' people say they are

    I am not a big protein shake fan. I have memories of eating them and puking it all up again.
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    i saw you had eggs in your diary - if you scramble them - considering adding some egg whites to bulk them up - all protein

    you might consider adding some more protein at breakfast - you had some bacon listed a couple of times; maybe have some chicken tenders or similar

    you have a lot of carb-items that dont' have a lot of protein to them - maybe consider subsituting them for stuff that has higher protein - i.e. instead of the fruit; have a fruit flavored greek yogurt which will give you beween 10-15g of protein

    Thank you for looking into my diary and giving me constructive advice. I will add these in more x
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    80-90g protein will be fine for you

    Thank you Rickstar xx
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Two angles to consider:

    1) How did you arrive at your protein goal? It may be higher than you need. What are your stats?

    2) You seem to be using bad entries. 200+ calorie jerk chicken patty that only has 4 g of protein? What the heck else are they putting in it besides chicken, some spices, and a little fat? An entry for 200+ calories of curry chicken soup that has zero carbs, fats or protein? What is it, chicken-flavored alcohol?

    Lynn my stats are 5ft2 and I weigh 183 pounds.

    I went with mfp for my grams of protein. When I did do a calculation based on half my body weight it came up with 90-100g of protein. I feel great at that level.

    I agree on the entries I will look into those. I will also try better protein sources.

    There must have been some glitch in your MFP set up, or you altered the default % for protein. MFP defaults would not give someone with your stats seeking to lose weight a protein goal that high. I think you would be fine at 90 to 100 g of protein (there are those who would disagree, who argue that government health authority recommendations that are intended to meet the needs of 90%+ of the population don't apply to people who are eating in a deficit). I also think you're getting more protein than you think because you're using erroneous database entries.
  • SophiaJane81
    SophiaJane81 Posts: 40 Member
    Two angles to consider:

    1) How did you arrive at your protein goal? It may be higher than you need. What are your stats?

    2) You seem to be using bad entries. 200+ calorie jerk chicken patty that only has 4 g of protein? What the heck else are they putting in it besides chicken, some spices, and a little fat? An entry for 200+ calories of curry chicken soup that has zero carbs, fats or protein? What is it, chicken-flavored alcohol?

    Lynn my stats are 5ft2 and I weigh 183 pounds.

    I went with mfp for my grams of protein. When I did do a calculation based on half my body weight it came up with 90-100g of protein. I feel great at that level.

    I agree on the entries I will look into those. I will also try better protein sources.

    There must have been some glitch in your MFP set up, or you altered the default % for protein. MFP defaults would not give someone with your stats seeking to lose weight a protein goal that high. I think you would be fine at 90 to 100 g of protein (there are those who would disagree, who argue that government health authority recommendations that are intended to meet the needs of 90%+ of the population don't apply to people who are eating in a deficit). I also think you're getting more protein than you think because you're using erroneous database entries.

    Ahh I see. Thank you so much. Is it best I just input my own actual data for foods from packaging. As I often use the barcode feature?
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,072 Member
    Two angles to consider:

    1) How did you arrive at your protein goal? It may be higher than you need. What are your stats?

    2) You seem to be using bad entries. 200+ calorie jerk chicken patty that only has 4 g of protein? What the heck else are they putting in it besides chicken, some spices, and a little fat? An entry for 200+ calories of curry chicken soup that has zero carbs, fats or protein? What is it, chicken-flavored alcohol?

    Lynn my stats are 5ft2 and I weigh 183 pounds.

    I went with mfp for my grams of protein. When I did do a calculation based on half my body weight it came up with 90-100g of protein. I feel great at that level.

    I agree on the entries I will look into those. I will also try better protein sources.

    There must have been some glitch in your MFP set up, or you altered the default % for protein. MFP defaults would not give someone with your stats seeking to lose weight a protein goal that high. I think you would be fine at 90 to 100 g of protein (there are those who would disagree, who argue that government health authority recommendations that are intended to meet the needs of 90%+ of the population don't apply to people who are eating in a deficit). I also think you're getting more protein than you think because you're using erroneous database entries.

    Ahh I see. Thank you so much. Is it best I just input my own actual data for foods from packaging. As I often use the barcode feature?

    You can use the barcode feature, but you need to check the entry that comes up against the packaging label. The data associated with the barcodes in MFP are generally user-entered, and people make mistakes. Some people only care about calories, not macros, so they bother putting any information in other than calories.
  • SolotoCEO
    SolotoCEO Posts: 293 Member
    I saw you mentioned you weren't a protein shake fan. That's the only way I get enough protein is a shake in the morning for breakfast - delivering about 45 g. of protein. It may have been what you used. I use the Click Espresso powder (1 serving) mixed with the Equate (Walmart) brand of whey protein (1 serving). I blend it up in about 23 ounces of water and 8 or so ice cubes and I have a great shake. I love it. Good luck!
  • Live_life_well
    Live_life_well Posts: 86 Member
    I tend to overshoot my protein targets primarily due to the below:

    1. Egg whites. All protein
    2. Chicken breasts - a single one of my chicken breasts has ~26grams and I have two a day.
    3. Protein Shake - one serving has 30 grams.

    Hope this helps
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Canned tuna and cottage cheese are two quick and easy low calorie sources of protein. Some cuts of steak are also quite lean, and so is pork tenderloin - it doesn't all have to be boneless skinless chicken breasts! Oatmeal made with milk.
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    I wouldn't get near enough protein if I didn't drink protein shakes. I buy a pre-made shake called Premier Protein in bulk from Costco. I think it is $25 for a 30-pack, 160 calories per shake with 30g protein, and I like the flavors enough to drink it as a dessert.
    I also find that fish and chicken contain a lot of protein and not too many calories.
    I live on these drinks. Great to take to school and work!