Weight fluctuation, what is "Normal?"

I'm about 3lbs away from my goal. I've lost about 35 lbs since mid August. When I hit my goal, what amount of weight change from day to day should I expect?


  • VanVanDiane
    VanVanDiane Posts: 1,398 Member
    5-7lb range seems common - I allow between 9 st and 9st 7lb before taking action, and aim around 9st 3lb (130lb if you're US)
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,075 Member
    edited January 2018
    Interestingly in maintenance my daily fluctuations appear higher than they did while losing. I think women can expect up a pound weight change day to day and men up to 2 pounds. It's probably more a % fluctuation of your actual total body weight then a set # tho if that makes sense.

    Congrats on your loss, and if I were you I would start slowly adding calories NOW at 100 every other week. You will still end up decreasing but you will sort of float down to where you want to be instead of getting there and going WOOPS and bouncing around up and down.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I would say water would cause your weight to fluctuate anywhere between five to seven pounds at any given time
  • geltner1
    geltner1 Posts: 85 Member
    In my case, about two pounds (body weight 113)(1.8%). I agree with summer skier who recommends adding 100 cal every other week to make the transition. Believe me, maintenance is hard to do.
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    Depends. The day after a half marathon, I see water weight gain of about 8 pounds, but that's a big outlier for me, and you probably won't see that if you aren't doing intensive exercise. On an everyday basis, my weight usually fluctuates about two pounds up or down--usually up if I've had a big meal in a restaurant, due to water fluctuation and undigested food.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    I keep a 5# range if 130-135. I have been exactly 135.4 every day for three weeks. You might stay right where you are, drop a little or gain a little. Adjust accordingly!
  • fitand50inSD
    fitand50inSD Posts: 166 Member
    I allow a 5 lb range - but generally stay within 1-2 lbs (unless I had some serious sodium the day before). My work out schedule is fairly consistent and I am pretty consistent about what/how much I eat so maybe that keeps my range a little tighter.
  • ttparks11
    ttparks11 Posts: 15 Member
    I tend to keep a 5-7 pound range. But I do that to account for my autoimmune issues, which cause inflammation and water retention. Most days, I only fluctuate 2-3 pounds, but when I’m in a flare, I hit 5 pounds or a little more. Once it calms, I’m back to where I should be.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    What has your day to day fluctuation been while losing? Your maintenance fluctuation likely will be a couple pounds more.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Keep in mind that you'll likely gain 3-4 pounds off the bat when you go from a deficit to maintenance. From there, a five-pound fluctuation is normal.

    So if you want your goal weight to be the central weight-point for you, aim for 3-4 pounds lighter, and accept that you'll get back there naturally.
  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 219 Member
    edited January 2018
    sofchak wrote: »
    I would recommend downloading an app like Libra (android) or Happy Scale (apple) to help understand what your weight trend looks like.

    Yes, those apps (I use Libra) are useful for maintenance. I weigh daily and try to be consistent in terms of when and in what state, but I still see swings of a couple pounds up and down. That's why the trend line Libra plots is useful.

  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    Normal range is 2-4% of BW over the course of the day. So at 118, could be 4 pounds at 190, it could be 8.
  • Live_life_well
    Live_life_well Posts: 86 Member
    I weigh myself first thing in the morning (5am). When I used to maintain it only varied by 1-1.5 pounds max. However, within the day it changes by 2-4 pounds for me.
  • nicokau
    nicokau Posts: 3 Member
    My experience:
    Normally my weight will vary by around 2 pounds, though occasionally as much as 4.
    sofchak wrote: »
    I would recommend downloading an app like Libra (android) or Happy Scale (apple) to help understand what your weight trend looks like.

    Yes, those apps (I use Libra) are useful for maintenance. I weigh daily and try to be consistent in terms of when and in what state, but I still see swings of a couple pounds up and down. That's why the trend line Libra plots is useful.

    I'll second this. These daily variations don't usually amount to much, so you shouldn't take -them- at face value.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited January 2018
    I'm short so I aim for a +/-3lb range. In general my weight only flucuates by 0.25/0.5lb a day in either direction unless I've had a high sodium/high carb day, then its up 3lbs.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    jamusftrip wrote: »
    I'm about 3lbs away from my goal. I've lost about 35 lbs since mid August. When I hit my goal, what amount of weight change from day to day should I expect?

    Day to day it really shouldn't vary greatly from what you experienced when losing weight. How much that is varies from person to person.