Weight loss after gastric sleeve

Ok I had the gastric sleeve in June. I’m currently in a stall. Fluctuating between 216-219 every other day.


  • ggirgis44
    ggirgis44 Posts: 29 Member
    How's your intake of vegetables? I plateaued for a long time because I was getting a majority of my calories from junk foods such as highly processed bars, shakes, high sugar snacks, meats, etc. I was still attached to my former lifestyle that got me where I was! Once I started incorporating fresh vegetable salads (with homemade dressing) and cooked vegetable dishes, I started burning fat again regularly. Many people preach CICO religiously, but the quality of calories matters a lot in burning fat, too, and should not be ignored. Think of all of the micronutrients and fiber that comes with those beauties that we call veggies! They help our bodies work optimally. I was able to shed an additional 25 pounds after tweaking my diet, and to this day, whenever I notice that I slack on vegetables, my fat loss stops. And since you've had a gastric sleeve, I'm guessing that your calories are quite limited.
    That being said, what's your daily intake of calories, and are you accurately logging (food scale)? Quality and quantity must be in conjunction.
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,012 Member
    snf70360 wrote: »
    Ok I had the gastric sleeve in June. I’m currently in a stall. Fluctuating between 216-219 every other day.

    How long have you been fluctuating? I don't know specifics about the sleeve, but in general it is perfectly normal to have a few weeks here and there where the scale doesn't go down.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    snf70360 wrote: »
    Ok I had the gastric sleeve in June. I’m currently in a stall. Fluctuating between 216-219 every other day.

    I think you should go talk to your treatment team. They can review your diet and guide you in how to get back losing.

    If that is not an option maybe share your stats and diary so we can help.

    Cheers, h.