Good Morning

I am not new to myfitnesspal, but it has been a while since I have been on. I came back 10 days ago under a new name, could not find my old account. Since that 10 days, I have gone fully keto's diet and lost a total of 10 lbs.

On July 1, 2008, I had Gastric Bypass surgery at the time I weighed 416 lbs. The first year the weight came off so easy, they call this the honeymoon phase. It truly helped me get to the point where I could move again. However, the battle was not over for me.

I then had about 100 lbs to lose that was now coming off a lot slower, And the excess skin had become an issue for me. I had a Panniculectomy done May 23, 2016, insurance would not approve a tummy tuck, however, it was so good to have that large 16 lb apron removed and made walking and other things a lot easier. Although I still do not eat that much, I didn't really do any kind of diet during that year just need to heal. On June 1, 2017, I had breast reduction done and removed another 5 lbs of skin.

I have trouble with my lymphatic system and I am holding fluid in my upper thigh. This has been verified by the doctor. And until I can get this under control, the excess skin on my legs will have to stay. Ketos and doing the MCT oil is supposed to help in this area, so we are waiting to see. And I still have a massive amount of skin on my arms that insurance would not approve. Will be about 5,000 dollars to get this done. last I checked. Maybe someday. Until then I will just hide my arms under long sleeves. I try not to let it bother me, but it does and there are hygiene issues here. But, insurance does not think enough to do surgery at this point. So Maybe after I lose this other 90 lbs I will be there.

I am a 56-year-old mother of two, grandmother of six. And life is good. I started going to College in 2016 and will finish up this year with my associates and then be planning to go another on to get my Bachelors in Social Work.

Looking forward to making new friends that make me accountable and that encourage me on this journey.

