8 months heavy lifting (1130 total)

Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
edited January 2018 in Fitness and Exercise
I haven't written one of these in a while. I wanted to put this up so people could see the progress of someone who is a completely average old guy that stubbornly keeps lifting.

Body Weight:
300lbs - 4/1/17
245lbs - 10/5/17 Stopped loss do to lifts not progressing. Maintained weight and lifts continue to go up since then. I may cut to 230 in spring to get in the 105 weight class for a meet.

Ran Starting Strength for 3 months starting on 6/5/17
Running intermediate weekly progression since 9/5/17. I can write up my programming if anyone wants to know but really at intermediate lifting, you should be able to find your own way.

Creatine and Beta Alanine are only real supplements I take. I do use whey isolate for convenience but not a supplement. It's just a different food source IMHO.

I am not against cardio but don't really care about it either. I do a steady state walk once a week on my light day to help with recovery but not much more. In the summer I like to swim a bit maybe 1-3km a week over 2 sessions. I did run 5km in 30min in Dec for the hell of it and it messed with my lifts for that week so haven't really done it again.

Body difference:
Well not as fat anymore. Since I went into maintenance my traps, chest, shoulders, back, legs, arms, and glutes are much firmer/thicker/larger. My traps are growing fastest followed by the chest. I am not doing reps above 5 at all. These changes happen at lower rep ranges and long rests between sets. Basically getting a more powerlifter type body. My gut has also gotten smaller while staying the same weight. I am not a "need to see abs" guy. I am more a "want to deadlift 6 plates next year" guy.

3x5 45lbs 6/5/2017 - learning lifts
3x5 150lbs 7/5/2017
2x5 260lbs 7/28/2017
1rm 320lbs 8/21/2017
1rm 330lbs 10/20/2017
1rm 360lbs 11/30/2017
1rm 410lbs 1/7/2018

3x5 45lbs 6/5/2017 - learning lifts
3x5 135lbs 7/5/2017
3x3 160lbs 7/28/2017
1rm 185lbs 8/25/2017
1rm 210lbs 10/19/2017
1rm 225lbs 1/7/2018

1x5 65lbs 6/5/2017 - learning lifts
1x5 265lbs 7/5/2017
1x5 335lbs 7/28/2017
1rm 405 8/25/2017
1rm 416 10/16/2017
1rm 455 11/19/2017
1rm 495 1/7/18

Powerlifting Total = 1130

Wrap up:
I am now what I consider strong. 1000 total was an accomplishment and I was stoked to hit it. 1100 just didn't seem as big. I expect to hit bigger numbers and it happens. Not from anything fancy just putting in the work week after week.

I have only missed 6 workouts in the 8 months and they were all due to a pulled lat. I don't miss days or sandbag it. I follow my programming and try not to overreach. "Discipline over motivation" as Wendler likes to say. We all have days we want to sleep in or not do the full program. It's those that lift even when this happens that I think reach their goals faster if at all.


  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,570 Member
    @Okiludy Are the dates correct for your body weight that you listed?
    How old are you, "Average Old Guy?"
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    edited January 2018
    Ah, I see should have been Oct of last year for entering maintenance. Held same weight 3 months so far. I fixed up the post.

    I am 45 years old. I am an IT guy and had not exercised in 15 years before this. I am stronger now than any time in my life before.