Forum weirdo?



  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    amyteacake wrote: »
    amyteacake wrote: »
    It's sad that so many people go to the level they do. Feel sorry for the ladies that have to experience it. Wish more people had better integrity and respect for others.

    I agree with this. I also think that some people attract it. Example: If someone has a profile picture showing their boobs doing a sexy pose Or any kind of provocative picture it's probably the reason they get messages like that.

    Yeah I gotta admit when I seen her profile picture I was wondering why she has her boobs fully squashed up against the picture? I even wondered if it was her boobs, I thought maybe it was some other body part and the picture was just @ an odd angle. But it does look rather provocative.

    I got the same message and I have had other creepy message but my photo isn't provocative nor is my boobs or anything in the photo. It doesn't really matter what type of profile picture you have.

    There are disrespectful creeps everywhere, you're right the profile picture probably doesn't matter but I am willing to bet that the ones who have provocative pictures receive alot more messages like that.

    True, but some creeps probably just see that someone is a woman and think "I can *kitten* her"

    I'm pretty sure there are some women out there worst than men.

    There probably is. Everyone can be as bad as each other
  • Mandygring
    Mandygring Posts: 704 Member
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    I always wonder if nuns get hit on as well ...

    I told one I was a nun hahaha
  • eccomi_qui
    eccomi_qui Posts: 1,831 Member
    amyteacake wrote: »
    amyteacake wrote: »
    It's sad that so many people go to the level they do. Feel sorry for the ladies that have to experience it. Wish more people had better integrity and respect for others.

    I agree with this. I also think that some people attract it. Example: If someone has a profile picture showing their boobs doing a sexy pose Or any kind of provocative picture it's probably the reason they get messages like that.

    Yeah I gotta admit when I seen her profile picture I was wondering why she has her boobs fully squashed up against the picture? I even wondered if it was her boobs, I thought maybe it was some other body part and the picture was just @ an odd angle. But it does look rather provocative.

    I got the same message and I have had other creepy message but my photo isn't provocative nor is my boobs or anything in the photo. It doesn't really matter what type of profile picture you have.

    There are disrespectful creeps everywhere, you're right the profile picture probably doesn't matter but I am willing to bet that the ones who have provocative pictures receive alot more messages like that.

    True, but some creeps probably just see that someone is a woman and think "I can *kitten* her"

    I'm pretty sure there are some women out there worst than men.

    There’s just bad people out there in general
  • AnnieH_4512
    AnnieH_4512 Posts: 1,422 Member
    amyteacake wrote: »
    amyteacake wrote: »
    It's sad that so many people go to the level they do. Feel sorry for the ladies that have to experience it. Wish more people had better integrity and respect for others.

    I agree with this. I also think that some people attract it. Example: If someone has a profile picture showing their boobs doing a sexy pose Or any kind of provocative picture it's probably the reason they get messages like that.

    Yeah I gotta admit when I seen her profile picture I was wondering why she has her boobs fully squashed up against the picture? I even wondered if it was her boobs, I thought maybe it was some other body part and the picture was just @ an odd angle. But it does look rather provocative.

    I got the same message and I have had other creepy message but my photo isn't provocative nor is my boobs or anything in the photo. It doesn't really matter what type of profile picture you have.

    There are disrespectful creeps everywhere, you're right the profile picture probably doesn't matter but I am willing to bet that the ones who have provocative pictures receive alot more messages like that.

    True, but some creeps probably just see that someone is a woman and think "I can *kitten* her"

    I'm pretty sure there are some women out there worst than men.

    Yes, there is!!! I send random messages at times and that’s how I met my mfp bff but, I get random creepy messages from women too. I used to send random messages and never ever planned on sending any dick pics but was called a creep because I was random. Whatever...their loss. Just don’t judge a guy because he sends you a random message. It’s not all bad guys or intentions behind those messages.

  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    Mandygring wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    I always wonder if nuns get hit on as well ...

    I told one I was a nun hahaha

    I just tell them I have a D, that works better

    It is times like this that I miss the awesome button.
  • YosemiteSlamAK
    YosemiteSlamAK Posts: 1,230 Member
    Mandygring wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    I always wonder if nuns get hit on as well ...

    I told one I was a nun hahaha

    I just tell them I have a D, that works better

    It is times like this that I miss the awesome button.

    My question is would it be inappropriate to click the "love" button in this particular thread? Would that make someone a "weirdo"? Cause that used to be the "awesome" button right?
  • eccomi_qui
    eccomi_qui Posts: 1,831 Member
    I enjoy being creepy like your uncle Gerry at a family function
  • xFunctionalStrengthx
    xFunctionalStrengthx Posts: 4,928 Member
    Mandygring wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    I always wonder if nuns get hit on as well ...

    I told one I was a nun hahaha

    Still don't think it'd matter...
  • Mewwwww
    Mewwwww Posts: 95 Member
    Eh, I go on tinychat if I want to cam whatsoever, but only in rooms full of people to either troll or have meaningful conversations, not nudity xD lol
  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    Mandygring wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    I always wonder if nuns get hit on as well ...

    I told one I was a nun hahaha

    I just tell them I have a D, that works better

    It is times like this that I miss the awesome button.

    My question is would it be inappropriate to click the "love" button in this particular thread? Would that make someone a "weirdo"? Cause that used to be the "awesome" button right?

    I've been off the forums a few months. Did we have a love button that got too creepy or are you referring to hug? I've yet to use hug. It just looks like a misunderstanding waiting to happen.
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    I have officially become as old as I feel.... I've never heard of tinychat.
    Also, yes. In my experience, some women can be just as inappropriate with messages. Certainly not anywhere near the infinite list of men though.
  • THeADHDTurnip
    THeADHDTurnip Posts: 413 Member
    Yeah that's s little creepy... and desperate. :|
  • Deadman_Diggingup
    Deadman_Diggingup Posts: 3,082 Member
    I have officially become as old as I feel.... I've never heard of tinychat.
    Also, yes. In my experience, some women can be just as inappropriate with messages. Certainly not anywhere near the infinite list of men though.

    I have never herd of tinychat either :D

    Get off my lawn, youngster!
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,740 Member
    Mandygring wrote: »
    _barefoot_ wrote: »
    I always wonder if nuns get hit on as well ...

    I told one I was a nun hahaha

    I just tell them I have a D, that works better

    Mentioning toe sucking is also quite effective. I'm sure it will back fire on me in a big way at some point.
  • eccomi_qui
    eccomi_qui Posts: 1,831 Member
    eccomi_qui wrote: »
    I enjoy being creepy like your uncle Gerry at a family function

    This shouldn't turn me on but...

    Shh... don’t fight it
  • THeADHDTurnip
    THeADHDTurnip Posts: 413 Member
    slessofme wrote: »
    Mentioning toe sucking is also quite effective. I'm sure it will back fire on me in a big way at some point.

    You're supposed to repel them, not attract. :#
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,740 Member
    slessofme wrote: »
    Mentioning toe sucking is also quite effective. I'm sure it will back fire on me in a big way at some point.

    You're supposed to repel them, not attract. :#

    My luck has run out...
  • Renaissance_Turtle
    Renaissance_Turtle Posts: 960 Member
    Just block & move on. Don't waste your time with richardheads like that.
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