New and ready to try n get on track!

Hi everyone!

Like the title says im new around here and looking to get on track!

I previously lost alot of weight when my daughter was born 15 months ago :) i went from 425 pounds to 311 due to stomach issues n my sleep machine n i lost all that in 9-10 months basically sitting on the couch n doin house hold choree lol
With the recent holidays i started pigin out a bit feelin like i diserved it after all the weight i lost etc but time to get back on track!

I currentlt have another baby on the way n i need to lose some more so im lookin ito some apps to possiblt help me :)

If anyone can suggest apps like workout guides etc would be great! Only have time when daughters sleepin so :)


  • jade_carv
    jade_carv Posts: 2 Member

    I'm the same, I started using the app a few years ago but have only ventured on to the community section today.
    Hoping it will be good for motivation as I'm finding it hard to stay on track over the last few weeks.

    Hoping we can all motivate each other! :smiley:
  • corinbrand
    corinbrand Posts: 6 Member
    Yup! I only downloaded it n made an account cpl years ago but now ima fully try to use the app :) gotta get more active n stuff with having a new baby on the way n my daughter now will be 2 by then n im the stay at home parent so :)..

    N i agree! Its nice to see everyone motivating ppl n i hope to make some friends on here! Also nice to meet u jade!
  • kksmom1789
    kksmom1789 Posts: 281 Member
    I downloaded the app in 2012 but never fully used it until Nov of 2016 I lost 30lbs from Nov 2016- Nov 2017 just by counting calories no exercise at all since Nov I have gained almost 10lbs this holiday season really got me with all the good treats I am starting fresh again this week and putting myself first again. Good Luck on both of your journeys remember its not a diet its a lifestyle change!
  • Eating2Bhealthy
    Eating2Bhealthy Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations on your new pregnancy. It’s exciting that you are wanting to be healthier and more fit! What a great gift to your family and loved ones!!! It’s hard, but you’re going to need to be on your feet, and expertise even when your Little’s are awake;) I tried waiting, but then it is so much harder to work it on to the day