Lifestyle Change!

Last Tuesday I wokeup tired of being fat! So I took my almost 5'9" body and stepped on the scale. Shame is what I felt when I read 290! 2 freaking 90! Right there I decided I do not need to diet, I need to change my life. As of that moment I began portion control & calorie counting. In 6 days so far I have lost 7 lbs!! I'm still fat but I am 7 lbs less fat! I'm motivated and enjoying shopping for fresh foods, healthy. Meal prep and yes, a healthy lifestyle is prep, A LOT of prep but I like it. 47 years old and I finally like it!
What do I NOT like to living like this....pee fountain! I drink 60+ ounces of water daily and all I do us per. Made mistake of finishing 20 oz at 11 pm other night. I never slept! Up 6 times to pee. Good news, my kidneys are working and working well. Also, I haven't passed gas in almost a week! My life is changing and I'm excited. Fed up in Reno got motivated!
**I'm a straight shooter. I say it as is.


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    You don't have to force yourself to drink more water, just drink when you are thirsty and you should be good.

    Prep is really helpful in staying on track. Keep up the good work!
  • fittoride36
    fittoride36 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! I'm looking at this as a lifestyle change too! We can do this!