determined yet frustrated

i was never skinny, but i have never beent his heavy either. I was doing great on my pregnancy for my daughter, then i got put on bed rest for the last 2-3 months in which i GAINED 60LBS!!!! i have been back and forth on my weight since. I am not comfortable at all and now having my 2 children i need to make sure i am going to be around for them and do all the fun things they do.
I had started using MFP in April 2013...lost 10lbs my first month between watching my calories and exercise. I had surgery in May in which i was off for a month, and luckily only gained 2lbs back. since then I have lost 10 more lbs but i am beginning to see a stand still. I am getting so frustrated with it, but i don't want to give up either. I did mix up my workout, instead of just joggin, i started Zumba on my Wii. This is the longest i have stuck to anything when it comes to weight loss, and i don't want to get so frustrated i give up!

Just looking for support and any advice is welcomed!!!


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    First, congrats on your weightloss so far! Twenty pounds is fantastic progress!

    It might be time to reevaluate your goals and whether or not they're still right. From your diary it looks like you're not eating much more than 1200-1300 calories a day? It sounds counter-intuitive, but a lot of us find that we don't lose anything if we cut our calories too low. I stalled out for over two months when I dropped my calories below 1400. MFP adds extra calories when you exercise. It might be time to start using some of those.

    Also, take a real look at how accurate your logging is. Are you weighing/measuring everything? Is there anything you're not counting or eyeballing?