Sad. Disappointed.



  • susplatt
    susplatt Posts: 7 Member
    I was in the same boat exactly and so sick of myself. Over and over I have started the eat right and exercise routine. I finally had a health issue that prompted me to look at things differently. I also found a exercise program that I do in my house. It's just a dvd, but I like it and I follow a program of a certain exercise everyday. I check off a box each day I complete a exercise which seems to help me. My program is called Rev Abs but there are many good ones. My husband has started Insanity, but it's too hard for me NOW. My program is a little cheesy but I have stuck with it for 34 days. I have moved to a 2nd phase which has gotten harder. I skip a day if I need to but not more than 2 days every now and then. Many people reach out like you did and so did I finally. I thought I could do it on my own and am kinda private about telling everyone everything, but i decided to open up, and I found that many people are just like me - struggling to be healthy inside and trying to look good on the outside. I saw a picture of myself from the back at a concert and was horrified! The progress is super slow for me, but I feel like there is hope now. I haven't lost weight but i feel stronger and tighter to myself. I would have given up by now so I know it's working. Now to get the eating better! Stay in touch for support if you would like. I need it too! Take care!:smile: