Trying to lower my carb intake for new diet.....failing....

ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member

I am trying to lower my carbs to experiment with a new diet. This, unlike previous diets I have experimented with, has proven very difficult. I have to say I love my carbs. I know what I have to do to get there, but I am looking for any help on how experienced carb cutters have managed to stay away from them. I actually sleep up and going to the fridge in the middle of the night. My carb intake is ranging from 60-100 grams and before was around 200 hundred....Maybe it was too drastic of a cut. Failing but still fighting! Any input is appreciated:) Thanks!


  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    ok- i really don't have much advice, well really any! but I can relate to the sleep eating. And most people laugh when I tell them about it. But after reading your post, I am wondering if it has anything to do with low carb dieting. I try to keep mine lower as well. Curious to see if anyone else has had the same problem.

  • KarenisPaleo
    KarenisPaleo Posts: 169 Member
    I hear ya!

    You can't really gradually cut carbs though, in my experience, the torture will never end! Rather, I found for me it was best to experience the uncomfortable feeling for a week or so and just power through it. With naps. Or bacon. Increase your fat intake to help with feeling deprived.

    I CAN be done =)

    Best of luck, if you hang on with it, you will likely be glad you did.

    P.S. I didn't actually Food 'walk', but I sure did dream!
  • AJinBirmingham
    I only managed to lower my carbs when I focused on INCREASING my protein intake instead - then my carb intake then dropped by itself.

    I hope that helps.
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    I just made a strict no bread, pasta, sugar rule and that kept my carbs easily under a 100g. I dealt with the cravings by eating fat and protein up to my maintenance calories whenever I needed to -- it's doesn't really take them away because what you're craving is the sugar but it helped. That and drinking broth. I slipped up a little the first week but by week three I was calling low carb a miracle diet. lol

    Good luck and hang in there. :) If you're one of the people who respond to a low carb diet you'll be happy you did.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    ok- i really don't have much advice, well really any! but I can relate to the sleep eating. And most people laugh when I tell them about it. But after reading your post, I am wondering if it has anything to do with low carb dieting. I try to keep mine lower as well. Curious to see if anyone else has had the same problem.

    haha! Sometimes I wake up and am did I go to the fridge last night....then when I get to the fridge and see wrappers and containers of hummus are on the counter....."Bows head in shame
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I hear ya!

    You can't really gradually cut carbs though, in my experience, the torture will never end! Rather, I found for me it was best to experience the uncomfortable feeling for a week or so and just power through it. With naps. Or bacon. Increase your fat intake to help with feeling deprived.

    I CAN be done =)

    Best of luck, if you hang on with it, you will likely be glad you did.

    P.S. I didn't actually Food 'walk', but I sure did dream!
    Ya, Im leaning more towards this....just emptyn my cabinets of carbs and suffering for a week or two....and yes, stock up on bacon;) Thank you for the advice!
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I only managed to lower my carbs when I focused on INCREASING my protein intake instead - then my carb intake then dropped by itself.

    I hope that helps.
    It does! Thank you:)
  • singer201
    singer201 Posts: 560 Member
    100 g/carbs/day is effective if you are also watching your calorie intake. BUT, you will likely have to give up or limit bread, cereal, starchy vegetables, and pasta to make it work. Focus on good fats, salad veggies, meat, dairy, and eat fruits in moderation. At 100g carbs, there is still room for small treats. Check out for a lower carb food plan that works.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    I just made a strict no bread, pasta, sugar rule and that kept my carbs easily under a 100g. I dealt with the cravings by eating fat and protein up to my maintenance calories whenever I needed to -- it's doesn't really take them away because what you're craving is the sugar but it helped. That and drinking broth. I slipped up a little the first week but by week three I was calling low carb a miracle diet. lol

    Good luck and hang in there. :) If you're one of the people who respond to a low carb diet you'll be happy you did.
    Thank you, and I am on my second! Thank you for the encouragement!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member

    I am trying to lower my carbs to experiment with a new diet. This, unlike previous diets I have experimented with, has proven very difficult. I have to say I love my carbs. I know what I have to do to get there, but I am looking for any help on how experienced carb cutters have managed to stay away from them. I actually sleep up and going to the fridge in the middle of the night. My carb intake is ranging from 60-100 grams and before was around 200 hundred....Maybe it was too drastic of a cut. Failing but still fighting! Any input is appreciated:) Thanks!

    Why? I ask this for a reason
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    ok- i really don't have much advice, well really any! but I can relate to the sleep eating. And most people laugh when I tell them about it. But after reading your post, I am wondering if it has anything to do with low carb dieting. I try to keep mine lower as well. Curious to see if anyone else has had the same problem.

    haha! Sometimes I wake up and am did I go to the fridge last night....then when I get to the fridge and see wrappers and containers of hummus are on the counter....."Bows head in shame

    yes! I actually do not know that I am eating until I am either back in bed or when I wake up in the morning. I actually have my 4 year old hide her cookies (yes I let my kid eat cookies!!) in her dresser so I wont scarf them down in the middle of the night. i need to set up some sort of electric fence around my kitchen!
  • decentyouth
    decentyouth Posts: 20 Member

    I'm currently on the cyclic keto diet; info here:-

    I try to keep my carbs below 50g/day in the week but I binge on them for a day and half at the weekend before cutting off their supply again.

    It works for me in reducing unwanted weight but maintaining muscle mass. I did this diet a number of months ago for 9 weeks. And I'm back on it now after stuffing my face with carbs. And getting a little bigger in the wrong places!

    My diet is essentially 70% fat & 30% protein. I get all my energy from the dietary fats. I weight train. I'm active. And sometimes I run. I don't have problems feeling with feeling tired or sluggish. I have lots of energy.

    What I find is that the high fat and protein content of my meals keeps me full for longer. In fact I have to make my self eat sometimes. And I'm actually on a calorie deficit.

    Consider the information about the cyclic keto diet in the link above. It may be for you because you still get to eat carbs as a treat for a day and half at the end of each week.
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    Before I started losing weight, I was probably between 200-300g per day of carbs... I KNEW I needed to get it down. I personally am a "all or nothing" kind of person so I followed an Atkins type diet for a month. It got me looking at EVERYTHING and really understanding how I felt on a lot of carbs. I didn't go above 20g for that month (mostly veggies). Now, I don't try to limit my carbs really but it is hard to pass 100 (150 on an eating out day) grams of carbs per day. I would suggest giving it a try :)
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member

    I am trying to lower my carbs to experiment with a new diet. This, unlike previous diets I have experimented with, has proven very difficult. I have to say I love my carbs. I know what I have to do to get there, but I am looking for any help on how experienced carb cutters have managed to stay away from them. I actually sleep up and going to the fridge in the middle of the night. My carb intake is ranging from 60-100 grams and before was around 200 hundred....Maybe it was too drastic of a cut. Failing but still fighting! Any input is appreciated:) Thanks!

    Why? I ask this for a reason
    I am a CPT by trade, and I try new diets all the time to have a perspective for my clients when they ask. I stay on them for around 4-5 months at a time.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    ok- i really don't have much advice, well really any! but I can relate to the sleep eating. And most people laugh when I tell them about it. But after reading your post, I am wondering if it has anything to do with low carb dieting. I try to keep mine lower as well. Curious to see if anyone else has had the same problem.

    haha! Sometimes I wake up and am did I go to the fridge last night....then when I get to the fridge and see wrappers and containers of hummus are on the counter....."Bows head in shame

    yes! I actually do not know that I am eating until I am either back in bed or when I wake up in the morning. I actually have my 4 year old hide her cookies (yes I let my kid eat cookies!!) in her dresser so I wont scarf them down in the middle of the night. i need to set up some sort of electric fence around my kitchen!
    Electric fence! Brilliant;)
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member

    I'm currently on the cyclic keto diet; info here:-

    I try to keep my carbs below 50g/day in the week but I binge on them for a day and half at the weekend before cutting off their supply again.

    It works for me in reducing unwanted weight but maintaining muscle mass. I did this diet a number of months ago for 9 weeks. And I'm back on it now after stuffing my face with carbs. And getting a little bigger in the wrong places!

    My diet is essentially 70% fat & 30% protein. I get all my energy from the dietary fats. I weight train. I'm active. And sometimes I run. I don't have problems feeling with feeling tired or sluggish. I have lots of energy.

    What I find is that the high fat and protein content of my meals keeps me full for longer. In fact I have to make my self eat sometimes. And I'm actually on a calorie deficit.

    Consider the information about the cyclic keto diet in the link above. It may be for you because you still get to eat carbs as a treat for a day and half at the end of each week.
    I will! Im checking out the link now! Thanks!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member

    I am trying to lower my carbs to experiment with a new diet. This, unlike previous diets I have experimented with, has proven very difficult. I have to say I love my carbs. I know what I have to do to get there, but I am looking for any help on how experienced carb cutters have managed to stay away from them. I actually sleep up and going to the fridge in the middle of the night. My carb intake is ranging from 60-100 grams and before was around 200 hundred....Maybe it was too drastic of a cut. Failing but still fighting! Any input is appreciated:) Thanks!

    Why? I ask this for a reason
    I am a CPT by trade, and I try new diets all the time to have a perspective for my clients when they ask. I stay on them for around 4-5 months at a time.

    I ate totally protein for 3 months, only eggs, meat, fish and cheese. Nothing in breadcrumbs etc.

    The only result I have gained from it is that I can not eat meat any more and am now more or less vegetarian. I have totally gone against eating meat and can just about eat chicken other than that I do not want to eat meat.
  • mlnick69
    mlnick69 Posts: 84

    I am trying to lower my carbs to experiment with a new diet. This, unlike previous diets I have experimented with, has proven very difficult. I have to say I love my carbs. I know what I have to do to get there, but I am looking for any help on how experienced carb cutters have managed to stay away from them. I actually sleep up and going to the fridge in the middle of the night. My carb intake is ranging from 60-100 grams and before was around 200 hundred....Maybe it was too drastic of a cut. Failing but still fighting! Any input is appreciated:) Thanks!

    If it's not in the house you cant eat it. Replace some of the more carb heavy foods with more veggies.
  • lsg1015
    lsg1015 Posts: 10 Member
    I have also been relatively low-carb for the past few months--I try to stay below 100. It was pretty brutal the first week, and I've basically cut out all refined carbs and sugars. I promise you though, your cravings will end for the most part. Some nights you may crave something a bit higher in carbs, but you can factor that in. I'm not sure if your sleep-eating is really the case, but in all seriousness, are you on a sleep-aid (like Ambien)? I take Ambien nightly, and I'd notice that I get the "munchies" BIG TIME--almost like being drunk (or something else). I Asked the doctor about it, and he said this was very, very common.
  • JulesAlloggio
    JulesAlloggio Posts: 480 Member
    Can I ask why you are lowering your carbs? Carbs don't make you fat

    a caloric surplus makes you fat...

    if you want to lose weight you need to create a caloric deficiency