Depressing articles about how dieting do not work

I am very committed to a complete lifestyle change two weeks ago. My loss is going slowly (1 lbs per week) but I feel better and lost 2.5 inches in my waist. I am creating a system for eating that I find pleasurable on 1200 cal per day. It helps that I love vegetables and fruit. I found bread (here in the US) and grains (rice pasta etc) not so good anyway, it is the main protein or sauce that is good. I find that the food I craved before, like dairy, cheese, sugary carbs etc, is inferior to the dishes I am learning now. Processed sugar now have a weird taste to me. But of course I want results, I want to feel in control and be healthy. I found it so hard to read NYT and other newspapers that talks about how dieting never works. We are genetically disposed to have a certain weight etc. It just made me want to give up. I need hope that this creates results. I would be happy to restrict calories for my entire life if I just got results. Is it really that impossible? These articles are cruel.


  • Your genetics will only really be a determining factor when you're peaking performance. Unless you plan on being an Olympian I wouldn't worry. Reasonable sustainable dieting is key mixed with strength training and you'll be fine. Don't let articles written by an entertainment company tell you what's good for your body.
  • megs_1985
    megs_1985 Posts: 199 Member
    Set point is just a theory. If you commit to good habits and set up a conducive environment then it will work. Why are so many overweight today compared to 50 years ago? Habits and environment. We live in a world with unhealthy food at every corner and portions have gotten huge and we are more sedentary (driving, internet, automation) Cook at home, don’t keep junk food in the house, small portions, and regular activity.
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    That is good to know. I just feel really tricked into eating badly. All this sugar in everything. I feel good this far, I do. Love the success stories. I am so happy that being fit is at least a possibility for me.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    There are many people on these boards who have reached their goal weight and maintained and you can too. Don't worry about the articles that say it can't happen. Lots of proof exists right here to prove them wrong.
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    edited January 2018
    I feel like I've been very destructive, and want to take care of my body. I hope it is reversible. I need to lose 30 lbs. However, after two weeks on here, I now am in the "normal" BMI range.
  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 219 Member

    Eating healthy has to be a life long commitment. I do think genetics play a role in things. We all know those people who are naturally thin and don't have to eat healthy to stay small. But if you're designed to be bigger, then you CAN beat it, you just have to be honest with yourself. You aren't naturally thin, so you have to watch what you eat, forever.

    This variability exists but with less skew than most people think. I am 'naturally skinny' but this is a 300 calorie/day variation, e.g. one muffin.

  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    edited January 2018
    There is no reason to be discouraged by the results of others. You are not them. Educate yourself with the experiences of others who have lost and maintained long-term and imitate the strategies that make them successful. That being said, you started a previous thread that indicated you are pursuing a rather restrictive diet unnecessarily, and unfortunately this is a factor that often limits a person's success.
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    Sojo15 wrote: »
    That is good to know. I just feel really tricked into eating badly. All this sugar in everything. I feel good this far, I do. Love the success stories. I am so happy that being fit is at least a possibility for me.
    Much, if not most, food processed in the US includes added sugar "to improve palatability" which of course adds calories. Before the flame war starts over whether added sugar is or is not "evil," let me say that unless I am eating stuff that is supposed to be sweet (like cookies, cakes, pies, lemonade, etc) I prefer to leave out the added sugar as a matter of personal taste - probably part of how my tastes developed as a kid. I stopped making bread because it was just too darn easy to eat too much! But I love whole-grain, seed-laden, heavy bread and have found a few brands I enjoy.

    As folks have noted, the "diet industry" is a hugely profitable enterprise which does nothing to promote sustainable, healthful food habits. People who "diet" with the then-current fad plans mostly gain back what they have lost, plus some, in a couple of years. People who "diet" often lose more lean mass (muscle) than is optimum, and then when they re-gain weight it is often mostly fat, which for many people makes them look heavier than they did at the same exact weight decades prior.

    The sweet spot seems to be finding a healthful way to eat and move that is sustainable for the particular individual.
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    sure, DIETS don't work. You however, say you are committed to making a life long change to eat healthier. I am sure genetics play some part, especially on how the fat sits on your frame but that's a cop out for people who don't want to change.
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    There is no reason to be discouraged by the results of others. You are not them. Educate yourself with the experiences of others who have lost and maintained long-term and imitate the strategies that make them successful. That being said, you started a previous thread that indicated you are pursuing a rather restrictive diet unnecessarily, and unfortunately this is a factor that often limits a person's success.

    I take your advice to heart, and wonder if I am too restricted. However, I am an emotional eater and I noticed that I do not even see bread as a possibility I am less likely to eat it. I do believe in CICO. I also think that so many recipes are more unhealthy than they need to be. I was sick as a child and could not process fats. I couldn't even eat egg yolks without pain. I was a vegetarian before it was a thing, at least in the small place I grew up. So maybe it conditioned me to like vegetables etc. I have always been a little disgusted by animal products, but I am eating chicken and fish since I do think I need it. I do dream about newly baked bread, cookies and cheese doodles. But to be honest, it would be an unhealthy binge. It is not happiness, not for me. So I might fail, but I am having a good week, with less blood sugar spikes etc.
  • Jingsi84
    Jingsi84 Posts: 126 Member
    Here's the harsh reality:
    Initial indications were that these symptoms persisted indefinitely. New research indicates that after approximately one year of maintenance the body may "reset" to the new fat store levels.

    Currently the only known mechanism to force an immediate reset of these body responses is bariatric surgery.

    I have been looking for research on this topic. Do you recall where you found the newest research? A link would be a amazing. Thanks.
  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    eat well ( 12-1600 cal a day and move more and you will succeed . if you DIET in my mind that is restrictive and joyless meaning you are eating foods that do not please you you will have trouble . food is pleasure .
    Like you I love fruit and veggies . I look at this as an eating plan not a diet , I build my days around nutritious foods that taste good to me and keep me in my desired calorie allowance . if I am craving a calorie dense meal I plan for it , I eat lower calorie the rest of the day and exercise more and enjoy the treat . the quickest way to fail is to not try . you need to eat to produce the results you want . the single most helpful way not to fail is to chart your foods . it really makes you stop and think about what you want to eat
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    Limiting your access to foods you find particularly troublesome is not a bad strategy when it comes to building new habits. But to tell yourself you can never have these things sets a person up for trouble. That's terrific if you primarily crave nutritionally dense foods, as long as you aren't laboring under the idea that these things are a prerequisite for weight loss.

    That is a very good point. I am not preaching a particular way of eating. I am thinking that certain foods trigger bad behavior for me, personally. For example, I was depressed and became addicted to gummi bears. I would buy a big bag, eat 50 bears and feel euphoric. It was not pleasure, I was actually hurting myself. My partner gently reminded me that I could get the same endorphins from exercise. Yes, with my history I might fail at this. But I am trying to assess how I feel and how I can make this work for me. I only know that after 15 days I feel better than after 7 days. I have no successes in the past, I am not an authority on weight loss in any way. I am trying to seek advice from people who managed to change habits and become fit, since I am seriously worried about my health if I don't make a change. I am an older parent and many friends only 10-15 years older than me recently passed away.

    I do like the NYT, but the article was stupid. Thanks for giving me counter-arguments. Our food culture is making us sick, I do believe that. I have eaten so much crap I don't even really think taste that good in the first place.