Any other ladies 5'4 and 140-145 lbs?

Hello! I've been having a hard time losing weight and I was wondering if I could be nosy and see if any of you ladies with the same stats as me (around 5'4 & 140 lbs) could share what your weight loss plan of action is?

Please let me know your.....
current weight:
goal weight:
how many calories you eat a day:
how much you exercise:
what types of exercises you do:

Thank you! I just want to see how my plan measures up to other ladies similiar to me. I have been trying to lose weight for the past year and haven't lost a single pound! That is most likely due to being terrible at counting calories and over exercising. I was doing lots of high intensity spinning and strength exercises but I feel like those exercises made me bigger and too muscular. My boyfriend even says I have man legs now ahhh!

I'm going to cut that out and just focus on cardio (5x/week for 45 min) that doesn't build muscle like running and walking and try to count calories and keep my limit to 1400.


  • nazymbrown
    nazymbrown Posts: 4 Member
    hi, I'm exactly your stats. 145 5'4''
    I am now consuming 1200 cal a day and jogging a mile a day. Its mainly the calories that is helping me drop thse 20lbs. I'm a week and a half going hard on this diet and its working.
  • Grace20lbstoGo
    Grace20lbstoGo Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for your reply! I think I will try lowering my calorie intake to 1200 or 1300 and then keep up with daily cardio and see how that goes.
  • passenger79
    passenger79 Posts: 257 Member
    edited January 2018
    Yep I did.
  • jillk93
    jillk93 Posts: 45 Member
    height: 5'5
    current weight: 140 LBS.
    goal weight: 125-130 LBS.
    how many calories you eat a day: 1,200 - 1,400
    how much you exercise: 4-5 Days a week.
    what types of exercises you do: Strength training, cardio, bootcamp classes.

    I don't exactly do a lot of cardio. About 20 minutes three times a week. I find the strength training has changed my body the most. I've only lost 11 lbs since I started with MFP but it feels/looks more like 15-20 because I'm getting leaner. Weights are your friend.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    height: 5'3
    current weight: 154 LBS.
    goal weight: 130-135 LBS.
    how many calories you eat a day: minimum 1400
    how much you exercise: 4-5 Days a week.
    what types of exercises you do: Strength training, running.
    I had lost over 100 lbs once and was at my goal weight but went through some life changes and put some back on.. but I know what works for me
  • FanTheFlame
    FanTheFlame Posts: 22 Member
    megs_1985 wrote: »
    Girls don’t get bulky by doing strength training. We don’t have the testosterone for it. Look into recomp. You lose fat but gain muscle which will make your body look lean and strong.

    Please don't give poor advice to OP. Woman can lift more than 2lb dumbbells and not instantly grow a beard and get massive muscles.

    I think you misread this. She’s not giving poor advice. She didn’t say “ girls, do not strength train”. She’s saying TO strength train because you WONT get bulky.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    megs_1985 wrote: »
    Girls don’t get bulky by doing strength training. We don’t have the testosterone for it. Look into recomp. You lose fat but gain muscle which will make your body look lean and strong.

    Please don't give poor advice to OP. Woman can lift more than 2lb dumbbells and not instantly grow a beard and get massive muscles.

    Um how was the advice wrong?
  • sdolan91
    sdolan91 Posts: 250 Member
    height: 5'4
    current weight: 146 lbs (starting was 195)
    goal weight: 125-130lbs
    how many calories you eat a day: 1300-1500
    how much you exercise: none
    what types of exercises you do: cardio if i go to the gym (which is like never lol)
  • passenger79
    passenger79 Posts: 257 Member
    megs_1985 wrote: »
    Girls don’t get bulky by doing strength training. We don’t have the testosterone for it. Look into recomp. You lose fat but gain muscle which will make your body look lean and strong.

    Please don't give poor advice to OP. Woman can lift more than 2lb dumbbells and not instantly grow a beard and get massive muscles.

    Um how was the advice wrong?

    I misread it everyone calm down.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    megs_1985 wrote: »
    Girls don’t get bulky by doing strength training. We don’t have the testosterone for it. Look into recomp. You lose fat but gain muscle which will make your body look lean and strong.

    Please don't give poor advice to OP. Woman can lift more than 2lb dumbbells and not instantly grow a beard and get massive muscles.

    Um how was the advice wrong?

    I misread it everyone calm down.

    Cool. Just asking.
  • MarInMotion
    MarInMotion Posts: 2 Member
    Hiiii!! I'm 5'4" and very close to my goal weight of 145lbs. That was my HS weight and I was LEAN. I understand that some think 145 is still overweight for that height but I always though it was perfect for me! I felt strong, healthy and still had a little meat on my bones to feel sexy (to me). I hit my heaviest weight of 178 last year and I've been killing it in the gym since. I've lost about 30lbs. Since I am still trying to drop weight, I eat between 1300-1400 calories a day. After doing an RMR (Resting metabolic rate screening) I found out that my body burns about 1500 calories. Which means I would be able to eat 1500 calories and maintain my weight, whenever I get to the point when I want to maintain. I exercise on an average of 3-4 days a week. I started off boxing and doing Jillian Michaels videos. I now just workout at home and have been feeling great! Hopefully by February 1 I will be at my goal weight. Hope this helps!! :smile:
  • Mouse_Potato
    Mouse_Potato Posts: 1,505 Member
    edited January 2018
    5'3" Starting weight was 149. Got down to 115 and then Christmas happened, so I'm at 120 now. I have a Fitbit and I eat what it tells me I can eat. I burn anywhere from 1700 to 2600 calories a day, depending on how active I am. I lift heavy 2-3 times a week, ride my horse 1-2 times a week, take a one hour bellydance class, and spend about three hours on pole fitness.

    Don't worry about building muscle. It won't happen by accident. I went from a US size 12 to a size 2 with regular strength training.

    ETA: I am also 43 and work a desk job.
  • Sojo15
    Sojo15 Posts: 87 Member
    CW: 151 lbs (heaviest at 155 lbs)
    GW: 120 -125 lbs
    Lower body fat (currently at 26%.)
    My maintenance level is 1650 cal per day, so it is tricky. I am 43, so age matters too, you seem young. I am very out of shape. I do HIT cardio 40 min 6 days per week. I am interested in strength training, got dumbbells.
    I fight to eat 1200 cal per day. I restricted to almost no dairy, no gluten, no added sugar. My body is changing visibly but only lost 2 lbs in 2 weeks. I'm in this for the long haul. I want to get back to where I was at age 18.

  • Sandstress1025
    Sandstress1025 Posts: 17 Member
    Height: 5'4 1/2
    Current weight: 133.4 (I was 147 lbs and 39% body fat in Feb 2017) Yikes!
    Goal weight: 125
    Goal body fat: 25%
    How many calories per day: 1700-2000 (depending on work out completed)
    How much do you exercise? : Often! Circuit training 2 to 3 days a week, cardio 2+ days a week, and walking my dogs (we don't stop much) LOL

    I was having a hard time losing weight by just counting calories at 1200 daily or doing Weight Watcher points and then falling off the wagon after I didn't lose fast enough. I'm 51 years old now and decided last year to invest in help from metabolic testing, nutrition coaching and group training from Lifetime Fitness in 2017. This has been my defining year because they based my diet on my individual metabolism. It was SO true that I wasn't eating enough and definitely not enough protein. They suggest eating my goal weight in number of grams of protein per day and macros at 40 %carbs/40 fat/30 protein. I don't always meet those numbers, but I eat way less sugar and processed foods. I lost 20% bodyfat by doing strength training, resistance training and cardio but I never OVER train to burn myself out. I am taking this slow and have been super happy with it. I now know my true fat burning zones too. I wouldn't suggest doing only cardio because it can burn though your muscle mass which is what you need to keep your metabolism higher.

    Sorry to ramble on but I hope this helps. :)
  • Sandstress1025
    Sandstress1025 Posts: 17 Member
    P.S. Maybe you could try some version of Vinyasa yoga to lengthen your leg muscles rather than bulking them up in spin class. I am not totally sure since I don't do spinning but some yoga teaches have some amazing looking legs.

  • BabyLovesToRun
    BabyLovesToRun Posts: 120 Member
    edited January 2018
    What megs said. I've been "dieting" for LOTS of years. Here's the summary of the difference over the last few years.
    Jogging 20 mins 5XWeek - 5'5.5" - 160lbs - Size L/Size 12 - Starving on 1200 Calories
    Lifting weights 3XWeek NO CARDIO - 5'5.5" - 160lbs - Size M / Size 8 - Full on 1800 Calories

    Body comp. Stop worrying about the scale!!! Fat vs Muscle is soooo different. Pick up some heavy weights! (That's just my two cents, do what you want, but I know which I prefer!)
  • Fit4sure
    Fit4sure Posts: 63 Member
    5’ 4” here...

    My goal weight is 146. I was a lean mean fighting machine at that weight and had a weight lifting accident during a cardio kickboxing class that busted my knee and I gained about 15 am in weight loss mode to get back to that number. I’m 53...and had the accident at 2 years ago and have to consider that my body won’t be exactly the same BUT...that is a good number for me so am heading for there rather than a lower number as I AM older. I agree that body comp is where it’s at. Something I want back. Don’t mind the number on the scale if I’m lean and strong.
  • aleikita
    aleikita Posts: 215 Member
    Goal weight: 120lbs
    I’ve been doing 1200 calories for the past 9 weeks and I’ve lost 8lbs so far
    Only focusing on cardio at the moment