Fit from Fat

Hey there!
So it is for all those who are struggling to lose weight like i did well first of all lemme tell u ppl i've acheived my goal and all i ever wanted but now it's time to maintain it however for u guys who wanna know how i actually lost approx 11 pounds in 7 days yes u heard it righr just 7 days ( a weak ) and remember if i can do it then u can do it too. First of all lemme tell u all sweethearts who are reading this that my body type is an endomorph and im 5ft4inch and my age is 19 and i'm 145 pounds yupp finaly after a lot of effort i did it. U ppl might wanna know how much i lost well i've lost zero kg yes u hv heard it right again!!! U ppl might b thinking WTF wt's she saying like, now i said i acheived my goal yes ppl yes my goal is to be fit and always remember not only ur fitness journey begins by the time u realise that u r beautiful u just have to groom urself a litle and u start it dyde thats where u hv already acheived ur goal thats the point where u r fit yes u gotta belive this ur goal is basically the result or lets say ur reward that u will get later on and now u hv won the race and acheived wt u wanted.. So ppl please do not give up just always remember a little everyday contributes to a huge change


  • aeloine
    aeloine Posts: 2,163 Member
    "Groom yourself and you are fit"??
  • obamajojo123
    obamajojo123 Posts: 13 Member
    Yes love everyone is beautiful bcz shape size and height doesnt matter beauty comes from the heart and all u hv to do is enlighten the entire world with ur beauty and let them know that if u can do it that anyone can