Advice on Acetyl-L-carnitine

Hello pals,

I've been reading lots of good reviews about Acetyl-L-carnitine for focusing, energy, and weight lose. I've lost over 11 kg (25lbs) on the course of a year and half and I only need to lose more 4 kg (9lbs) to be in the range of my goal. I did that following healthy diet and being active without relying on supplements. I want to use the Acetyl-L-carnitine mainly for its effect on concentration and energy, the burning fat effect was an added bonus. The problem is I read this 2013 letter from Dr. Oz L-carnitine ( not Acetyl-L-carnitine) to withdraw his recommendation of it because of it is side effects on the heart. This made me worried, I know these are two different supplements but they belong to the same group somehow, and I was hoping that some of you here would know more about this?

Also, do you know any other natural supplements that helps with energy and concentration, and also maybe weight loss?

I would really appreciate your help. Cheers!
