How to lose thigh fat and get thigh gap?



  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    I have a thigh gap. It is genetics, as far as bone structure is concerned, and because I am an apple shape carrying very little fat on the lower part of my body. No bubble but for me either.

    When I was heavier I looked like a toffee apple- round apple on top (body) and two sticks (legs) poking out the bottom.

    As a big generalization - it is as difficult for a pear to have a thigh gap as it is for an apple to have visible abs.
    (That is to say- other parts of the body may lose too much fat/weight, or one has to be very dedicated long term to achieve, and maintain, the look through diet and exercise JMHO)

    OP, I would love your legs.

    Cheers, h.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    Thigh gaps are determined by genetics; you may as well ask how you can change the shape of your ears. You have a great shape. Enjoy that.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,568 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    When I was at my thinnest I had a thigh gap, despite still having quite thick thighs. Why? Because I have very wide hips and how my hip joints stick in my pelvis. I can tell you: it sucks! Everything you place on your lap while on the loo falls into the loo :s No, that's not desirable. It looks ridiculous and it is.

    Like this?


    Haha, yes! One of the things was indeed my phone :s
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,568 Member
    GoldenEye_ wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    tamber93 wrote: »
    Why does it matter WHY she cares about it. Some people care about thigh gaps for a very good reason: chafing. It’s not all about “looks” or being trendy. In my personal experience, I’m about the same build as the original poster of this thread and my thighs chafe like crazy in the summer and it burns and it’s irritating. I know I wouldn’t mind a thigh gap - if my thighs didn’t touch and chafe each other, hallelujah! Maybe she was asking because of something like this, so I don’t think anyone has any right to criticize and laugh on HER post. I, too, wouldn’t mind learning about certain exercises to tone that particular area :)

    Toning means losing fat that covers the muscles and making the muscle more visible, hence training strength. But you can't spot reduce. Genetics determines where you lose weight first.

    But anyway, have a good look at so-called thigh gap photos. Most of them are fake: the girl standing with the bumm to the back and the legs a bit further apart. Or those girls are nearly unhealthily thin.

    I'm a bottom heavy hourglass with a thigh gap (ankles and knees touching, standing straight) and a bmi of 21. I wouldn't exactly call myself unhealthily thin :| Some people are just built that way.

    Yes, sorry. Let me clarify: many of those instagram etc photos are fake.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited January 2018
    Want to lose fat around my thighs without getting bulky. My CW is 127 lbs, 23% body fat. GW is around 100-110 lbs. I eat around 1000 kcal a day. I'm 5'2.5"

    Apparently, i am the other math nerd but to hit your weight goals, you'd have to lose a good amount of muscle.

    Here is a breakout of what it should be if you can retain your lean body mass

    127 * (1-.23) = 97.79

    Goal if between 16 to 20 body fat

    97.79÷ (1-..16) / 97.79÷(1-.20) = 116 - 122.

    This would also consider that you retain muscle which requires resistance training, adequate protein (~90g+) and a moderate deficit (weight loss at .5 to 1%/week).

  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    As others have said, it's genetics or (more often) clever photography.