New to this program. First day.

Hello everyone.

I just uploaded myfitnesspal last night and am taking time now to get familiar with it. I've been working on getting rid of unhealthy habits for about a year now. I've stopped smoking, drinking, and gave up processed sugars. I've recently moved to a lower carb, natural foods diet, and have been integrating strenuous walks into my daily routine. My goal is to be in a healthier state of being, and from that are subgoals like weight loss, healthier diet, physical activity, etc. I've been tracking my foods on my homemade spreadsheet, and now am learning the food tracker on this site. Rome wasn't built in a day!

Wishing everyone a great day!



  • 2missdaxa
    2missdaxa Posts: 20 Member
    Hi John,
    There is a lot of information here. I'm trying low carb too, walking and tracking my food. One day at a time my friend. You can do this! Have a great day!
  • jdb21218
    jdb21218 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you!
  • Shadowfox429
    Shadowfox429 Posts: 30 Member
    Hello! I too just downloaded MyFitnessPal a couple weeks ago.
    My biggest goals are to feel healthy, flexible and strong!
    Good luck with your journey!
  • jdb21218
    jdb21218 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you! Same to you.
  • kathy1047
    kathy1047 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi John,
    I am eating healthy and doing cardio and strength training for overall fitness and to gain muscle and decrease my overall fat content. I track my food intake on this app and this helps keep me accountable to my goals.

    Good luck in your quest for a healthy lifestyle.
  • Bklyndoc
    Bklyndoc Posts: 9 Member
    Good luck!!!!
  • pattyhouse1970
    pattyhouse1970 Posts: 51 Member
    I just started using MyFitnessPal this week. I think I've had an account for a while, but was using something else.
    I lost 45 pounds last year, by tracking my food intake and my exercise. I work out 5 days a week at the fitness center at work with a personal trainer.
    I found out early on last year that tracking my food was the key for me. I also measured my food for a long time. I still measure some of it.

    I've got less than 10 pounds to go to reach my goal. :)

    Good Luck!
  • jstrick20
    jstrick20 Posts: 33 Member
  • jewelskirk
    jewelskirk Posts: 1 Member
    Hello ..I'm also New to My Fitness App..I've actually been using it for some time just upgraded so I can Know interact with people...I'm also trying to get healthier and wealthier lol..I just started the Keto Diet...So Im looking at others who are also on the diet, or reducing there carbs and sugar intake...Looking forward to chatting with some of you soon..please feel free to add me...PS is there a place we add people on this site not seeing the add button...? Thank You..
  • jdb21218
    jdb21218 Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2018
    Update: Thank you all for your kind words of support and encouragement. I'm actually a somewhat reserved person, so I tend to be a bit quiet at first. I've had experience with online support when I quit smoking (the support turned out to be more like bullying, so I bailed), but I do know the value of encouragement and good vibes.

    I neglected to mention in my original post that my blood glucose numbers were up at my last physical. They were at 117, and my doctor said lose weight, exercise and they will come down. So I gave up drinking, smoking, and 5 star dining to get on the road to my BMI weight of 180ish. I think I'm around 210 now. I ordered a weight scale and it's on the way. I see the doc again in March, and I've already come down one waist size. I can also see a visible difference.

    Like most people, I'm dealing with anxiety and fear (my father had kidney failure as he was obese). I helped care for him and witnessed his neuropathy render him bedridden. Eventually he needed care in a nursing home where he had to wear diapers.

    I just want to get down to a healthy weight, be more active, and stave off any debilitating diseases.

    For now I'm learning the ins and outs of this site and in some cases it's a bit overwhelming (even tho I work in a part of IT). I've muted my presence so I won't be able to add friends just yet. Thanks for understanding.
