Friends anyone?

New to this......just thought I should reach out and meet new ppl...


  • Khingz
    Khingz Posts: 13 Member
    im new here too. If you wanna be motivating friends here add me.
  • emily_platinum90
    emily_platinum90 Posts: 30 Member
    Im new here too
  • justavoice1989
    justavoice1989 Posts: 132 Member
    Hello! I'm not new (member for 7 years or so)... but am restarting my dedication =] trying to lose that baby weight! so welcome! and these forums are AMAZING and check out recipes! they really help ^_^
  • Coleycoco83
    Coleycoco83 Posts: 6 Member
    Im not offered the add friends. Or is there a way other than going into friends tab because I know it's off your Facebook or e/mail.
  • Bklyndoc
    Bklyndoc Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks ppl for the replies!!!
  • Bklyndoc
    Bklyndoc Posts: 9 Member
    Send me an invite ppl....haven't figured out the add a friend thing yet....