New here, new start, need support.

38-year old husband and father here. 5’10”, 223lbs. 2 years ago my wife decided to make a lifestyle change. Same weight at the time and got down to about 205, felt good about myself. Now I’m back where I was. Old habits, food and beer are good.

Decided I need to get even more serious this time around and have the goal of getting down to 190. Want my wife to think I’m sexy again. Started P90X3 Monday and the app is telling me to be at around 1700 calories. (Does that sound right to help me get where I want to head towards?) Feeling good.

Really hoping that counting my calories and using the log will really help me. Successes, encouragement? When we did well 2 years ago we focused generally on eating better food and portions. Didn’t count calories though. Hoping this will make the difference.

Any support or success stories are appreciated. Thanks and good luck.
