New to this

Hi everyone. I'm new to this and am really looking forward to having you all help guide me with this journey. I'm looking to lose 103 lbs and am planning on taking 1 day at a time! My first goal is to be able bend down and tie my shoes.


  • Betty
    Betty Posts: 8,861 MFP Staff
    Welcome to MyFitnessPal and good luck!
  • BradR_82
    BradR_82 Posts: 278 Member
    Welcome! You got this
  • maryanneldridge
    maryanneldridge Posts: 1 Member
    Touching my toes with no effort was a goal I just hit. You can do this! You will feel amazing. One day at a time worked for me, set a small daily goal, it helps.
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    Inspiring! Here to support my fellow Canuck