Feeling nauseous during light bodyweight exercise

HanaThorne Posts: 14 Member
edited January 2018 in Fitness and Exercise

So after losing 23 lbs (120+ to lose in general), I went the safe way and hired a person to show me the ropes for some proper workout forms and techniques. Since I have bad knees, I hired a guy that’s actually a Physical therapist but also has experience as a phys ed coach. We started yesterday, continued today and we went really really easy. We didn’t touch any of the machines and did only body weight exercises, and those mostly for my legs and kness (since I have bad knees). My heart didn’t go up very much (low 100s) but I do feel the work on my muscles.
Thing is, both times I got queezy during the workout and some hours later. Since both of these were in the morning, I figured that yesterday’s nausea (musch worse than today) was because I worked out on an empty stomach, so today I ate around 90 minutes beforehand - 2 scrambled eggs and a yogurt.

I’m wondering why I’m getting nauseous during such light exercise and what to do to prevent it. I don’t think it’s heart problems, but I am going to get checked tomorrow with a cardiologist because I do have benign PVCs and should be getting a checkup anyways since I’m very obese - let’s play it safe . No workout tomorrow.
So, before my doctor checks me up, what do you think other reasons are for being nauseous over a light workout? By light, I mean no vigorous activity and HR was slightly elevated, but I did good work with my muscles.



  • cjv73
    cjv73 Posts: 240 Member
    I don't have much insight here, but the yogurt did catch my eye; I love yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast, but I can't eat them before a workout or I get very nauseous. So maybe try a breakfast without dairy?
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    cjv73 wrote: »
    I don't have much insight here, but the yogurt did catch my eye; I love yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast, but I can't eat them before a workout or I get very nauseous. So maybe try a breakfast without dairy?

    Dairy and fried eggs certainly could contribute.

    You could try something more mild like a half PB Jelly sandwich.

    Nausea/dizziness could also be from altitude changes that you're unaccustomed to.... Getting up and down from the floor rapidly or repeatedly.
  • Vonny198334
    Vonny198334 Posts: 178 Member
    Hi there, I hear you!

    Began needing to lose 115lb & when I began exercising, this was SO common for me! A couple of times I actually run to the bathroom convinced I was going to be sick. It became evident I had two different "types" & causes....

    My very first couple of weeks I felt sick no matter what I did food wise. After some asking around, googling & remembering incidents from the past, it was simply my body reacting to going from sedentary to becoming active...like an adjustment period.

    The second "bout", I discovered I didn't do well on either a full(hour after eating) or empty stomach. I still can't exercise within 2 hours of breakfast without feeling queasy so I have a coffee & a probiotic yogurt drink before & breakfast after. Find this works best for me.

    Know how frustrating & off putting nausea is, but I reckon it will pass for you. If not, I'd agree with the others. Play around with your food choices/amounts until you feel just fine! I began exercising in August & I've seen so many changes to my body. Lost 45lbs, down 3 clothes sizes, stronger, faster, healthier, lots of stamina & even have some definition poking through!

    Know it's hard to battle on through it, but you aren't alone. The benefits are extraordinary so I really hope you find something that banishes this nausea for you! Best luck
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited January 2018
    cjv73 wrote: »
    I don't have much insight here, but the yogurt did catch my eye; I love yogurt or cottage cheese for breakfast, but I can't eat them before a workout or I get very nauseous. So maybe try a breakfast without dairy?

    Dairy and fried eggs certainly could contribute.

    You could try something more mild like a half PB Jelly sandwich.

    Nausea/dizziness could also be from altitude changes that you're unaccustomed to.... Getting up and down from the floor rapidly or repeatedly.

    The lack of carbs could have been an issue. Seconding the PB&J, or even some toast.
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,487 Member
    My experience when I first started exercising was very similar to @Vonny198334's.

    Going from sedentary to twisting, turning, reaching, bending played havoc with my innards. I couldn't eat before, or I'd feel like throwing up, and my stomach felt so tight, plus my intestines grumbling in a downward direction, I couldn't eat after.

    All settled down after a few weeks, but I still don't like eating 3 hrs before exercising or an hour after.
    5-6 pm is my ideal time- well past lunch, and before dinner. You may find, if you can, changing the time you work out so it is mid way between meals works.

    Give it time, and experiment.

    Cheers, h.
  • Silkysausage
    Silkysausage Posts: 502 Member
    You are basically unfit but it will get easier. I've been there too feeling bright red, hot, sick and shaky.

    Carbs and protein for meals before and after exercise, nothing wrong with scrambled eggs and yoghurt! Wait and least an hour after your first meal before working out.

    Lots of water before and after, maybe even some dextrose to keep you going.

    Tell your PT and they will ease back, no shame in that.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    thoracic extension stuff gets me, and i think it's an inner ear/balance thing in my case. even almost four years in, i have to be verrry careful about that one where you open up your chest and thoracic spine over a peanut or foam roller. muscularly it's fine but the barfs and the bedspins it gives me are not.