Is this rapid weight gain true?

silkmouse Posts: 53 Member
edited January 2018 in Motivation and Support
Due to emotional eating (I eat until my stomach is in great pain but I don't know how else to deal with strong emotions) I've been eating 8000-10,000 calories a day from New Year's eve to now so 1.5 weeks. My weight has literally gone up by 18 lb. I know that part of this is due to water retention as my stomach is really bloated and distended but....could this have really happened? :(

People who haven't seen me since late December have said they were shocked that I look so different :(


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Wow, that sounds really serious. I'm sorry you're struggling. If you've truly eaten that many calories daily then weight gain is inevitable. None of us know exactly how much is actual weight, water retention, and food in your system, etc.

    The most important thing is to seek therapy or talk to someone about managing stress and emotions. Smothering them food is bad for your health and your mental state because it doesn't make the bad feelings go away.

    Do you have someone to talk to? A therapist to contact?
  • silkmouse
    silkmouse Posts: 53 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Wow, that sounds really serious. I'm sorry you're struggling. If you've truly eaten that many calories daily then weight gain is inevitable. None of us know exactly how much is actual weight, water retention, and food in your system, etc.

    The most important thing is to seek therapy or talk to someone about managing stress and emotions. Smothering them food is bad for your health and your mental state because it doesn't make the bad feelings go away.

    Do you have someone to talk to? A therapist to contact?

    Yes....even though I was overeating like CRAZY to the point where I was crying in pain but I didn't know how to stop because of my overwhelming sadness.....I did make a point of buying stuff with nutrition labels on it! Sadly, right now I am really broke so I can't talk to a therapist....I don't have close friends. I have my boyfriend but he is the one stressing me out. Thank you very much for caring. It means a lot to me. I hope you are well=)
  • silkmouse
    silkmouse Posts: 53 Member
    It takes approximately 3500 calories on top of your maintainance to gain a lb. Say If your maintainance level is 3500 and you ate 10000 you run a high risk of gaining 2lb that day. So the 18lb gain could well be true gain.

    You need to speak to someone about your bed though and soon.

    According to MFP, my maintenance is under 2000 calories.....I've been eating 8000-10000 a day, I eat until I am crying in pain but the thinking is that I will have to face the sadness if I don't eat, so I keep doing so until I'm in so much pain I can't even drink a sip of water :( I am currently too broke to afford treatment. Anyone here with experience of emotional eating who can help?
  • silkmouse
    silkmouse Posts: 53 Member
    silkmouse wrote: »
    It takes approximately 3500 calories on top of your maintainance to gain a lb. Say If your maintainance level is 3500 and you ate 10000 you run a high risk of gaining 2lb that day. So the 18lb gain could well be true gain.

    You need to speak to someone about your bed though and soon.

    According to MFP, my maintenance is under 2000 calories.....I've been eating 8000-10000 a day, I eat until I am crying in pain but the thinking is that I will have to face the sadness if I don't eat, so I keep doing so until I'm in so much pain I can't even drink a sip of water :( I am currently too broke to afford treatment. Anyone here with experience of emotional eating who can help?

    Have you tried googling support groups?

    Ahhh yes that reminds me Overeaters' Anonymous meets Saturdays.
  • silkmouse
    silkmouse Posts: 53 Member
    The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has a Help Line. Call it. The person who answers the phone can give you a list of mental health counselors in your area who provide low cost or free services, or local support groups. I can't recommend a counselor enough!

    Are you a student? Most schools offer free counseling. Are you working and have health insurance? Some workplaces have Employee Assistance Programs that provide short term therapy for free. Can you make an appointment with your regular doctor for a referral to somewhere less expensive? Some therapists provide a limited number of "pro bono" appointments, and some offer a sliding scale, where they take into account your income and financial circumstances and have you pay between 20% to 70% of their normal hourly charges. Call some therapists and ask! Some hospitals have training programs where their interns provide counseling as part of their training. 1-800-273-8255 hooks you up with Lifeline, and they have people to talk with on the phone.

    If you fell and thought maybe you'd broken your leg, you'd go to the doctor, right? Your are literally causing yourself physical pain. I encourage you to prioritize ALL aspects of your health. I know sometimes people have a hard time justifying an expense that strains the budget. But you are worth it.

    Thank you so so much. Do you know about for the UK if I'm not a citizen? I really really appreciate your taking the time to find information for me. You're so kind! And no I'm not a student. You're so wonderful for helping :)
    HDBKLM Posts: 466 Member
    silkmouse wrote: »
    The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) has a Help Line. Call it. The person who answers the phone can give you a list of mental health counselors in your area who provide low cost or free services, or local support groups. I can't recommend a counselor enough!

    Are you a student? Most schools offer free counseling. Are you working and have health insurance? Some workplaces have Employee Assistance Programs that provide short term therapy for free. Can you make an appointment with your regular doctor for a referral to somewhere less expensive? Some therapists provide a limited number of "pro bono" appointments, and some offer a sliding scale, where they take into account your income and financial circumstances and have you pay between 20% to 70% of their normal hourly charges. Call some therapists and ask! Some hospitals have training programs where their interns provide counseling as part of their training. 1-800-273-8255 hooks you up with Lifeline, and they have people to talk with on the phone.

    If you fell and thought maybe you'd broken your leg, you'd go to the doctor, right? Your are literally causing yourself physical pain. I encourage you to prioritize ALL aspects of your health. I know sometimes people have a hard time justifying an expense that strains the budget. But you are worth it.

    Thank you so so much. Do you know about for the UK if I'm not a citizen? I really really appreciate your taking the time to find information for me. You're so kind! And no I'm not a student. You're so wonderful for helping :)

    Troll post or not, the NHS serves everyone, citizen or no, FYI. However, which office will be able to serve you may depend on where specifically you're based (e.g., the office nearest to your residence) depending on type of service needed.