Hi there!

Hi, I'm Felix.
I'm 31 with an active lifestyle that makes most folks' head spin around. I work full time in an animal hospital, own my home, have an embarrassing number of "fur children", am my partner's lovely assistant in the comedy/magic show we are working to get off the ground, am an artist of many media, and an aspiring homesteader.
I joined MFP to learn healthy lifestyle habits to help fuel my life and change my diet so I don't feel so *blergh* all the time. While losing weight would be great, I am more focused on changing my habits to improve my health. I was diagnosed with Celiac's disease about a year and a half ago so healthy habits have become a must.
Currently, I am striving for the "40-30-30" diet. Since starting I have lost over 6 pounds and some of my GI issues have greatly improved.
Anyway, that's me. That's why I'm here.