Friends to hit goals with

I’ve gained about 30 pounds since leaving the Marine Corps in 2014. Time to get back into tip top shape and build better eating habits! Join me if you’re serious about losing weight and getting into shape! I’m 30, married and have two kids. I work full time, go to college full time at nights and somehow I HAVE to find time to exercise!


  • Ca77uth3rs84
    Ca77uth3rs84 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me think we can help motivate each other. I’m Chris 33, I have boy/girl twins aged 3. I work 4 days Tuesday - Friday & watch my kids on a Monday
  • JenT1023
    JenT1023 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey, add me! I'm Jen, married with 2 teenage boys. Super busy surgical assistant, trying to get back in shape.
  • Rick_1953
    Rick_1953 Posts: 596 Member
    A bunch of kids here. I am 64, 4 grown kids, 8 grandkids. Weight loss is eating right. It doesn't require hours of exercise though that helps. Busy schedule then at least try to walk as much as possible. Walk the dog, or push the carriage. Find a 30 minute routine on utube. Any of you can add me if you like