Tips for fruits and veggies going bad too quickly?



  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I get frozen, solves the problem for me there. Taste-wise it's a "meh", but I'll live.
  • SToast
    SToast Posts: 255 Member
    Where you buy your veggies and fruits can make a difference. Places like Natural Grocers have produce that is ripe and ready to eat NOW! In a few days it's past it's prime.
  • bingo_007
    bingo_007 Posts: 101 Member
    we get 80 percent fresh vegetables and I cook them in the order in which they spoil. For example we do the groceries on Saturday or Sunday, means the salad or Chinese vegetables will be used first, foods such as capsicum, brokkoli, etc will last longer, as such we eat them mid week to end of the week. Certain foods such as berries or spinach we usually get frozen, its more cost effective than buying fresh.
  • nic_27_grassisgreener
    I shop at most once per week, at a regular grocery store. I don't buy organic, unless it happens to be cheaper that week. I store everything in the fridge except bananas and potatoes.

    I make sure to buy only around 3-4 days worth of highly perishable items, like berries, grapes, bananas, most fresh veggies. I buy some items that I know can make it to the later half of the week. Those items include apples, oranges, pears, stone fruit, carrots, potatoes, fruits that don't seem ripe, and lots of frozen veg.