Hello from Scotland

weelissa Posts: 89 Member
Joined a few weeks back but only starting to get into it properly.

It's already becoming a hassle to sign in and enter everything I've eaten/done... but I've now discovered the My Fitness Pal iPhone app which is great.

So, um, yeah. Hi! I'm Lissa, I've lost 112lbs but still have around 20lbs to go.

Wish me luck... ;o)


  • allyrobson
    good luck x
  • KrissyD70
    KrissyD70 Posts: 92
    I thought at first it was a lot of work to log in and keep track of calories, but now it is just a habit that I enjoy. Congrats on your weight loss. That is really something to be proud of.
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    goodluck! :)

    i quite like logging it all, i think it's just turned into that much of a habit it feels weird when i don't need to.

    where abouts in scotland are you? i'm a fifer!
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I love logging in. It's part of my daily routine since starting MFP and if I'm away from the computer, I just use the iPhone app. Best of luck to you! Adorable Pug you have. :) I have one too. They are so sweet.
  • Corbinsmom
    Corbinsmom Posts: 117
    Good luck! I am sure you will meet your goals. You have done amazingly well so far. Very impressive. Hang in there with the logging, it will serve you well.
  • weelissa
    weelissa Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks for all your lovely comments :)
  • bloblynda
    bloblynda Posts: 99 Member
    And hello to you from sunny Kilmarnock. Good luck with your regime - you have done extremely well up to now and you will do even better with MFP. Glad you find the iphone app - I have it too and it makes it less of a chore if you just add in your food and exercise as you go along.
  • 4KidFather
    4KidFather Posts: 134
    Nice to hear a Scottish accent once in a while :)
    MFP is the BEST logger our there - it remember your frequent foods making it easy to click them in.
    You also don't have to worry about missing a day or so. But logging is essential to understanding where your nutrients and calories come from.
    You don't need luck your here - and you've come so far already!
    Keep up your good work
  • croftfoothen
    :happy: Just joined MFP today. Need to lose at least 7lb before end of October. Going on a cruise and will eat far too much so need to lose the excess before I go. I live near Kilmarnock. Finding the app for the iPhone a great tool. I can add as I eat/drink without having to remember every little bite. Makes me much more conscious of what I am actually eating. My, do those calories add up! Good luck to all. :smile:
  • junekucks
    Hello From southern Michigan.
    I am new to MFP also. Have lost 25lbs and have 15 to go. Journaling has worked best for me, and just knowing there is a place to register exercise has inspired me to start walking and going to exercise class just to be able to put something in the
    exercise column You have done a remarkable job with your weigh journey. Congratulations
  • 4KidFather
    :happy: Just joined MFP today. Need to lose at least 7lb before end of October. Going on a cruise and will eat far too much so need to lose the excess before I go. I live near Kilmarnock. Finding the app for the iPhone a great tool. I can add as I eat/drink without having to remember every little bite. Makes me much more conscious of what I am actually eating. My, do those calories add up! Good luck to all. :smile:
    Bring that App with you on the cruise. By the end of october you may not want to overeat.