Rate my meal plan?



  • tinkerbellexx
    tinkerbellexx Posts: 2 Member
    start your day off with a bigger breakfast, add healthy fats and more protein/carbs
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Hi there! I was hoping you’d be willing to critique and give some tips as to how my meal plan is looking? At the moment I’m looking to lose 5-7lbs but wouldn’t be mad if I just maintained.

    I’m a vegan, and also work with intermittent fasting. I start eating at 12pm and finish eating at 8pm. Sometimes this isn’t possible but it’s the goal! I’m also diabetic (type 1) so aim to stick to a lower carb content in meals.

    BREAKFAST: large mug of green tea with lemon.

    LUNCH: half a head of lettuce, 1 salad tomato, big chunk of cucumber, 4 mini silverskin pickled onions, cup of lemon and coriander cous cous. Drizzle of balsamic vinegar.

    SNACK: banana, 1 large carrot cut into batons

    DINNER: examples are chilli made with kidney and butter beans served on a baked sweet potato, or homemade ‘sausage’ casserole made with vegan sausages, red onions, button mushrooms and served with homemade mashed potato, or mixed vegetable vindaloo served on a bed of cauliflower rice!

    SNACK: little pot of vegan yoghurt OR little pot of overnight oats flavoured with ginger and a tsp canderel.

    EXTRA: one glass of Diet Coke (my vice but I’ve cut down massively!) and a mug of camomile tea before bed.

    Thanks!!! Xxxxx

    You being insulin dependant and doing any sort of diet restriction plan requires you to test frequently! Hopefully your diabetic dietician is aware and onboard with your program.