Please! Need food plan that works for hypothroidism

Has anyone tried a food plan that works! I’m getting a bit discouraged.


  • chrissywelsh10
    chrissywelsh10 Posts: 66 Member
    I have an under active thyroid - I’ve lost close to 8kg. Take your replacement medication everyday. Work out, build muscle & eat less calories. For me that’s 1300 - depends how much you have to loose. But it’s not a factor is loosing weight just the whole lifestyle you need to maintain a healthy one.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,319 Member
    edited January 2018
    I've been hypo for decades.

    The meds seem to work for me.

    Weight loss is about eating a little less than your body needs to go through the day and then it will lose weight.

    To find that calorie goal, set the goals here and use the food page and in a couple months you'll know whether your goal is close. If not, adjust accordingly. Hypothyroid when controlled medically doesn't change your calorie goals by very much at all. For most women it is fewer than 100 calories per day difference than "normal." That's a slice of bread or cheese. Negligible, if it even applies.

    I actually eat nearly 700 calories per day MORE than Myfitnesspal says I should be able to eat. I found that out by accurate tracking of my food and exercise over time.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,730 Member
    Once you are on the right dosage of medication, being hypothyroid makes no difference with regard to weight loss. CICO works the same.
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    Has anyone tried a food plan that works! I’m getting a bit discouraged.

    How are your meds, and how is your logging? Both need to be on point for you to have success. The tightest logging in the world won't help if your meds are off, and conversely, the best med situation won't do you any good if you're not logging correctly.
  • passenger79
    passenger79 Posts: 257 Member
    As long as I'm constantly logging and I have found I work out regularly (making bigger deficit) I will lose.Im also on two other meds with weight gain as a side effect but the only thing that makes me gain weight is a food I put in my mouth .

    Some people go low carb with hypothyroid I have tried it but felt so sluggish and miserable it's definitely not for me and made no difference anyway.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Once you are on the right dosage of medication, being hypothyroid makes no difference with regard to weight loss. CICO works the same.

    I agree with this. When I am properly medicated, weight loss is hard. If my thyroid becomes less active and my mess are not enough, I find that I tend to gain due to slowed metabolism, eating for energy, and less activity. If I eat less though, I could still lose. If I am properly medicated, I can eat more and lose.

    Some find that restricting foods that could reduce inflammation can ease weight loss. For some that is cutting back on sugars and refined foods, and some find restricting gluten seems to help too. YMMV
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    Get your medication properly adjusted and eat less. Count your calories. You may find your calories to lose are fewer, possibly significantly fewer, than most calculators would indicate.

    As for a specific diet, personally, my thyroid doesn't react well to very low carb so I am careful to eat at least 100 grams of carbs a day. Keto would not be good for my thyroid health.