Shin Problems, Please Help!

Hello everyone!

So I started doing Jillian Micheal's 30 day shred last week and today I completed day 10! :) I also walk on my two 15 minute breaks at work and walk about a mile and a half in the evening before bed with my dog. I've inherited terrible joints from my parents and all the sport I was in when I was younger didn't help my ankles and my knees. However I'm having a problem getting my shins stretched well enough. I'm doing the typical stretches several times a day, and yet I'm still having horrible shin splints. Also today during my evening walk I started feeling a sharp pain in my right knee that ran up through a nerve to my upper thigh (almost to my groin). Does anyone have any tips or tricks for me? I make sure to drink lots of water so my muscles and joints can heal while I'm not working out. I don't know if it's still just pains from being over weight and moving more, or if they are something to pay attention to. The last thing I want to happen is to get hurt and have to stop my progress because I'm scared that it will be another long while before I make these changes to my life again.

So if anyone has any ideas it would be great to hear! Also add me as a friend! :)


  • bubblygoldfish
    bubblygoldfish Posts: 213 Member
    I would recomend strengthening all the muscles in your leg: quadriceps, hamstrings, shins, and calves. For example the regular squats and lunges. Have you done toe taps? Literally tapping your toes, repeatedly, will work your "shin". Heel raises for your calves.

    Also, are you stretching before you work out? Like rolling your ankles and rolling your knees?

    When your shins hurt, are you icing to reduce inflammation?

    If you're in pain, the best thing is to rest. Rest will allow your body to heal. Then stretch and strengthen, and the pain should stop.

    *BTW add me if you want, i'm pretty new to MFP.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    ^^I agree. Back in the fall when I first attempted MFP (and failed because I didn't want to control my portions) I tried to start running. Took a break this winter and got back into in the spring. Both times I got terrible shin splints and it made it hard to keep going. About a month ago I started strength training and all of a sudden my shin splints don't flare up anymore! (well except if I go too long between outside runs where the pavement is harder). So definitely would recommend strengthening your leg muscles. Squats and lunges are great and you can even just do them with bodyweight if you need to.
  • chirosche
    chirosche Posts: 66 Member
    Occasionally, my shins will hurt and the main cause always turns out to be my shoes. They are finished. I keep heel seats in all my workout shoes but if you use them regularly, they will lose their support and require replacing usually within 6 months. Try getting new workout shoes and buy some heel seats. In fact, my shins will hurt until I workout in my new shoes. I get my little gems from Or amazon. They're not expensive. But believe me whenever my ankles, shins and knees start to hurt, I immediately get new shoes, but keep the heel seats. And all the pain disappears almost immediately. But orthodics are key. You may even need prescription orthodics. But I think heel seats are a good start. I've tried so many off the shelf orthodics but the heel seats are just amazing. You just may need biomechanical help.