Weekly Goal

I have 55-60 pounds to lose. What should I set my weekly goal as? I read if you have a lot to lose 2 lbs a week? I’m very active so It’s my eating. I need to start writing everything down. I work out 6x a week so It’s crazy to me to keep working out so much but eating whatever so I need to get serious and lose the weight.


  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,872 Member
    A sensible rate, healthy rate is no more than about 1% of your then-current body weight, on average . . . less as you get close to goal, say a pound a week at 25 or so to go, 0.5 pounds a week at around 10 pounds or so.

    Note that your first week or two may include some water weight loss plus lower average digestive system contents, so I recommend sticking with a sensible starting calorie estimate for 4 weeks (6 for a premenopausal woman, to get in a full menstrual cycle plus a bit), then look at the average.

    Obviously, if you start feeling weakness, fatigue, or other negative symptoms, eat a bit more. Otherwise, stick it out, even if you don't see immediate loss - sometimes initial water weight fluctuations can mask the loss temporarily, and undereating is more dangerous - especially for an active person - than overeating (less than before ;) ) for a few weeks.

    If you read posts around here, I'm not sure I'd call 50-60 pounds "a lot" in this context. That's about how much I lost, in just less than a year - 2 pounds a week for a bit, but tapering off intentionally over the months.

    Like you, I was already active, so didn't much change my workout routine. As an active person, you'll want to fuel your high activity level, so a fast lost rate is not the best bet, IMO.

    Best wishes!