Hi everyone! New girl here!

I used this site years ago to lose some weight and kept it off pretty well until I had surgery to remove my thyroid in Nov 2016. I have a bunch of health issues that make it difficult to lose weight. Before my surgery, I got down to 157 (from almost 240), and now I'm sitting at 174. I gained back almost 30 lbs since surgery and I'm on the path to losing it again.

Along with the thyroid troubles, I have celiac disease, fibro, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, and am healing candida. Due to the multiple health issues, I don't do strenuous exercise because I found out it was making me sick, which is unfortunate because I LOVED doing HIIT!!

Aside from the boring stuff, I'm Amy, I'm 30, and I'm a huge nerd. I love anything horror, Star Wars, and play way too many video games! I'm a mom to four kids (9, 7, 4, and 2). I'm working towards and master's in psychology and have an eBay shop!

Feel free to send requests for some positive motivation! My diary will be open to all friends, but I am 100% gluten free and mostly grain and sugar free as well.
