How are you doing this?

Jodiejo83 Posts: 7 Member
Hey everyone,

Hopefully this reaches a few of you.

I'd love to know what changes everyone is making to their general routines to help them get to where they want to be.

I personally have overhauled the nutrition making healthy choices but I'm not doing anything faddy, no shakes, no pills just natural weight loss the old fashioned way.

I'm also only weighing myself once per month so it doesn't become an obsession (although I really want to know if I'm doing anything good so far).

I'm looking to lose 1/2 a stone or 7lbs a month to get to 4-6 stone by the end of the year, I want to do it slowly as I really want to keep it off.

I recently qualified as a personal trainer and I don't want to be the fat trainer, I have anxiety about teaching Zumba at my current size but no one in my class has an issue with it, I teach to 40-50 students every Tuesday night and it's my favourite night of the week but I really want to feel better about myself before really trying to help other people reach their fitness goals.

Anyway please feel free to post a reply, can't wait to hear from you.



  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    The two big things that seemed to help me stick to my calorie goals were to not eat breakfast until several hours after I got up, and not snack between meals. I do better eating fewer larger meals. Overall, meal timing and size are a personal preference, I don't claim this is a one size fits all solution.