Switched gym membership, weight gain, goals, general thoughts.

Today I switched my Pure Gym membership from Hammersmith to Acton. This allows me to take the 207 bus on Uxbridge Road to the gym which takes about 20 minutes including walking to the bus stop, waiting etc. Then I work out at the gym and then briefly meet up with Jasiek during his break from work since he works in Acton in construction. Then I might hang out with some people and then go back to the gym again, then I go home and meet up with Jasiek at night.

The problem about the gym in Acton is it doesn't have internet so I can't listen to music on my phone but I might record some music onto my phone in the future. I also cannot watch the news on Youtube. I usually do read a book while exercising, right now I am in the middle of A History of England: Vol I Foundation by Peter Ackroyd. I actually got some new leggings from Morrisson's today, dark blue and a gray pair for working out and they have a drawstring and are cute. I like going to the gym at night as well because there are a lot of people there and you feel like you and the other people are being healthy together.

I ran into my friend Witek on Uxbridge Road in Acton today and I mentioned I went to the gym earlier and he told me something about how I am thin and that my legs are the size of his arm and that I don't have a stomach. Witek is delusional, the fact of the matter is that I have gained 13 lb since he last saw me, and my stomach is distended from eating a lot when I'm upset. I engage in emotional eating a lot, I am sensitive.

And then I was thinking about how my friend Emil calls me krzuszynka which I believe means tiny woman, and I can't help but thinking when he will notice I'm not tiny any more. Other people have noticed.

I am moving into a new place with Jasiek probably a month from now so I was thinking it might make sense to have something to look forward to and hang onto which will strengthen my resolve against emotional eating.