I need advice about weight loss and gaining muscle please

terryt1992 Posts: 94 Member
Just a little bit about me I am 5'10 started my weight loss on 1/1/16 at 415 lbs I've lost 100 lbs so far so I'm at 315 my goal weight is about 220 but I am looking to build alot of muscle also. I started lifting on 2/1/17 I got some results but they were not drastic which is what I expected because I have been eating at a deficit. My question is should I continue eating at a deficit and try to get closer to the goal weight before doing any bulking or should I alternate? I would like to get stronger and gain muscle but I am not happy at all because I still have tons of fat at 315


  • terryt1992
    terryt1992 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks guys I want to make a complete body transformation not just look the weight. I am only 25 years old and just had a baby so by the time my child is older I want to be a completely different person
  • Justin741
    Justin741 Posts: 249 Member
    Replying to the comments...

    Won't a good progressive lifting program help you gain muscle and won't gaining muscle help you burn fat?

    I am following this because this is a good question for me as well.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    edited January 2018
    Justin741 wrote: »
    Replying to the comments...

    Won't a good progressive lifting program help you gain muscle and won't gaining muscle help you burn fat?

    I am following this because this is a good question for me as well.

    YES, but without being disciplined with calories, that recomposition may come with weight gain or no weight lost.

    Additionally, it's generally unlikely to gain significant muscle while in a deficit.
  • terryt1992
    terryt1992 Posts: 94 Member
    These are good points and I kind of figured I started so heavy that eating at a surplus at any time sounds crazy to me but I know that I will get to the point where I can for now I think I should focus on strictly eating at my deficit and continue to lift to maintain the muscle that I currently have.
  • Justin741
    Justin741 Posts: 249 Member
    Thanks for all the helpful information!
  • brendanwhite84
    brendanwhite84 Posts: 219 Member
    Dunno if this helps at all but if you want to key your physique goals to a specific example of muscle definition and body fat %, Helmut Strebl is an absolute monster of a seemingly-natural bodybuilder with stats along these lines:

    Height: 6'3"
    Weight: ~210 lbs
    Body fat %: ~4-5
    Approx. lean body mass: 200 lbs
    BMI: ~26.25
    FFMI (fat-free mass index): ~25.2

    My absolutely ideal personal physique is 190 lbs @ 6'2", and an FFMI of about 23. Probably never happen, but who knows?

    Anyway, just using some terms you might be new to that might help you head toward your final desired outcome. Have fun!
  • fb47
    fb47 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Building muscles and losing weight is contradictory. In general, to build muscles, a caloric surplus is required, but there are exceptions and I think you fit that criteria.

    1) For people who are overweight, they can lose weight and gain muscles up to a certain point. Once you lean out, it will be difficult to do both at the same time.

    2) New lifters get what we call newbie gains, therefore you can build muscles and lose fat at the sametime, that also won't last forever

    3) People on steroids

    4) People with freak genetics

    5) People who do recomp, the progress is slower than the regular bulk and cutting cycle, but it's doable.
  • terryt1992
    terryt1992 Posts: 94 Member
    @fb47 I have gained quite a bit of muscle since I've been lifting clearly I fall into the 1 and 2 categories but It has slowed down a lot and that is fine I understand eating at a deficit it will cause that.
  • terryt1992
    terryt1992 Posts: 94 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys I am about to get back into the gym regularly my girl had a baby 12/20 had to take a couple weeks off.
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