
Lots of current health problems, needing to lose 25 kg, especially for next op!!
Finding this data base leaves out lots of measures, how to eg add fibre into a recipe for coleslaw that says there is none!


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    edited January 2018
    You can change your columns/nutrients tracked by going to your FOOD page settings:

    ...also, fiber is tracked by default on the Printable version, accessible by clicking the green "View Full Report (Printable)" button at the bottom of the FOOD page (web version)

  • sarahtrust
    sarahtrust Posts: 85 Member
    edited February 2018
    some foods in the data base do not include nutriments I am interested in eg fibre (some foods) B Vitamins cant be tracked, Some foods don't give poly and mono fats just amount of fat I AM MORE INTERNESTED IN TRACKING MY MICROMUTRIENTs Some foods in the data base have missing nutrients so my daily record is inaccurate