Mom of 3 w/ 50+ pounds to lose.



  • ccb1030
    ccb1030 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm 36, mom of 2 + 2 bonus kids (newlywed in 2017
  • chasitystiff2325
    chasitystiff2325 Posts: 40 Member
    You can add me I am 29 with 3 kids to I am trying to lose weight also
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    Im 25 and I have three kiddos under 4!! Just started yesterday too! Starting at 197lbs and would like to lose 72lbs. I have used successfully MFP to lose the weight before and looking forward to being done with it once and for all now!
  • auranya
    auranya Posts: 56 Member
    Also mum of 3, feel free to add me.
  • Luvmakeup608
    Luvmakeup608 Posts: 14 Member
    I’m also a mom of 3, im in my late 30’s you can add me. I’m 5’2 goal weight is 132
  • MrsSYDL
    MrsSYDL Posts: 65 Member
    Add me. We have very similar goals. Let’s go this.
  • deauxgirl2
    deauxgirl2 Posts: 20 Member
    Same boat as you except a bit older. Stay at mom of 3 trying to lose weight. I am currently on week 2 of Fitness blender FB 8 week program. I also am suppose to limit my calories to 1200, but have been consuming 1300-1500 calories. Good luck!
  • ellieyusuf
    ellieyusuf Posts: 3 Member
    another mum of three here: 10, 8 and 4 are my kids. I've been working on my fitness since the kids went back to school in September but have had a lot of starts and stops!

    I go to the gym 2-3 times a week and train pretty hard but I'm still finding myself making stupid food choices!!

    I work a 40 hour week doing night shifts (and i'm the one who looks after the kids too, i only sleep the hours they're at school) and the odd hours really screw me up. Some days i struggle to hit even 800 cals let alone the 1700 i'm supposed to have, then other days I eat everything in sight! Plus my job is quite sedentary so i'm either sitting down doing nothing at work or in bed sleeping at home with only a few active hours each day with doesnt help the calorie burn!

    I've been trying to get my husband on board with me too but he's not that interested right now though he will eat healthy with me.

    oh and I quit smoking a little over 2 weeks ago too (yay me!)

    I'm 5"6
    and want to get down to somewhere around 160lbs
  • webe3bees
    webe3bees Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, I'm a mother of three also. I'm happily married for 24 years. I'm looking to drop 80 pounds! Coming up on my 45th birthday in June. Want to lose as much as possible. I'd like to be at my ultimate goal weight by my 25 wedding anniversary. We can do this!