Good place to start?

Hi everyone

So i was curious where someone could start at working out at home? Would a 30 day challange app on mobile be good? Or anyone know of good youtube channel to watch?..
I started a 30 day challange app there like 7-10 min work outs n wanna ask ppl b4 i get rlu into it

Ive bein having stomach problems since bein on a sleep machine so getin in a car or a bus etc to get to a gym is iffy im constantlly feelin sick n wantin to throw up lol..
But i got a 2nd baby on its way so i need to drop more n get more physically active feel daily home chores n daily father stuff isnt enough lol


  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Lots of good videos on Youtube. The Popsugar channel has just about every option. Start easy!
  • Okiludy
    Okiludy Posts: 558 Member
    edited January 2018
    I would just walk. Different apps to make it more fun there is a LoTR and Zombie one. I started by just walking and really watching my food. I think food makes the biggest difference at first but walking an extra say 10km a week isn't too hard or much to ask. After you do that for a bit maybe 1 month evaluate your resources in time and money.

    If you have enough to join a real gym do it then. I prefer an old school bare iron style gym. The people may look intimidating at first but if you stick with it they will be more supportive and less judgmental than many of the larger fancy gyms. They also provide motivation to reach goals you never had before. I at 45 am much stronger than I ever have been and I was a Marine for years.

    If you don't have the time, with a baby on way likely, or money then just keep walking, watching diet closely, and adding in a bodyweight program. You could advance to a couple of kettlebells and be good honestly. I think barbells and an atmosphere go a long way to building a big powerful body. It's just that is not what everyone needs, wants, or has resources to do.
  • aemsley05
    aemsley05 Posts: 151 Member
    Why not check out the monthly challenges threads here on the forums? I've joined a couple and found them to be a good way of staying motivated, with everyone checking in with their progress. You can take things at your own pace, make the exercises easier if you need to - I had to start with push-ups off the kitchen counter at first because I had no strength whatsoever!

    Walking is also good. If you need to stay in the house to keep an eye on the kids while working out, you can always walk or jog on the spot while watching a tv show to keep you entertained. I've also seen a lot of people recommend Fitness Blender for exercises but haven't tried them myself. I tried some YouTube dance workout videos but I'm not coordinated enough to follow along with the moves. You can get a surprisingly good workout from just putting on some music and dancing about your living room like a lunatic though - could be a fun one for your kid to join in with too (depending on their age).
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    edited January 2018
    Just try something and be prepared to be patient and try something else if the first thing isn't your jam. I tried a boot camp program a couple of years ago and hate it - I dropped out halfway and gave up on trying to get healthier for a year or two. I don't regret dropping out (I hate spinning with the fire of 1000 suns) but I do regret not trying something else instead. This time around, I started with walking my dogs for just 10-15 minutes every morning, and gradually ramped up from there to jogging, then jogging and body weight exercise, then exercise bike when the weather was too crummy to run, only I found I really didn't like the bike, so I gave Fitness Blender a try and now I do AM (alternating cardio or strength) and PM (stretching) workouts with them every day. If you think a 30 day challenge will work for you, give it a go, but don't let yourself get discouraged if it isn't your thing - just keep on moving and trying out new things until you find something you like. You can do it!
  • Riskay123
    Riskay123 Posts: 159 Member
    You could try fitness blender on line. I do some of their videos online when I don’t feel like going to the gym. The have beginner through to advanced videos. With and without equipment. Hope you start to feel better soon.